this weekend was filled of lots of little things--nothin poppin' though. can i just say it snowed like no other in everett. i swear we were almost stuck there going to a nam's cousin's birthday. it was cool.
sunday--we saw the candas. so uncle abner and kuya paul for away at church, but saw michael and jovelle ..oh yeah and auntie yolie.
"oh MA. CAN I HAVE A SLIDE KICK. OH MA.. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY"--in a high pitch michael canda voice.
tonight nam and i are going to seattle to celebrate the last day of spring/ beginning of a new quarter. and we're also taking michael and krst with us.
i miss oak harbor. not so much the place, but the people living there-- betina joan randy greg shan and april i hella miss them.
i'll write tomorrow. after school :(
here comes western--
Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
what really saddens me... that i can't talk to you guys about it because you guys all assume i'm not over him. but you're happy for me and nam? i don't get it.
ew please, i'm definitely over him, but when i talk to you guys about internal conflicts with myself and just my own struggles. it's like you guys don't understand. you guys just say "oh you're not over him" i don't wanna hear you guys contradicting everything i've been saying to you guys. i've made great progress since my break up. i found a great man that i actually love and that's so great to me. so when you guys tell me that i'm not over him it seems all my progress is void.
please.. if i can't go to you guys, without your already made up assumptions, who am i suppose to go to? i already told you guys i'm done with him, and since you guys don't really know me with anyone else, you guys don't know how i'm like with exs. i'm done with them when i say so--and i said so. so please stop telling me i'm not over him. because i'm KAPUT.
ew please, i'm definitely over him, but when i talk to you guys about internal conflicts with myself and just my own struggles. it's like you guys don't understand. you guys just say "oh you're not over him" i don't wanna hear you guys contradicting everything i've been saying to you guys. i've made great progress since my break up. i found a great man that i actually love and that's so great to me. so when you guys tell me that i'm not over him it seems all my progress is void.
please.. if i can't go to you guys, without your already made up assumptions, who am i suppose to go to? i already told you guys i'm done with him, and since you guys don't really know me with anyone else, you guys don't know how i'm like with exs. i'm done with them when i say so--and i said so. so please stop telling me i'm not over him. because i'm KAPUT.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
last night was fairly interesting.
nam and i definitely had some things on our chest that we needed to take care of. unfortunately, that involves other people. i never regretted anything in my life. i usually just come out with some lesson i've learned and all that mumbo jumbo, but honestly if i could regret one thing, it'd be that--but thanks for the lessons learned and i don't know if you'll ever believe me, but i never did that.
so last night was interesting. i really wish it wasn't a topic we had to talk about, but i guess under the circumstances, it was an inevitable conversation. otherwise, let's try our HARDEST to never bring it up.
on that topic--i really don't know who to talk to about this kind of situation. also known as "doomsday". my heart isn't there anymore, but my mind keeps thinking about it. i can feel myself have flashes of it. and what it used to represent--years with an s and april fools.. i don't want to be with you ever again nor do i want to be your friend. most of all, i can't even have you in the same city without feeling ill. but i miss what it represented. besides you blog, i can't really talk about this one an unbias opinion. and if i do talk to someone, they don't really know whats going on. i miss what april first represented. guys always leave me before this two year mark. and i can't talk to my boyfriend about it because he really doesn't deserve his girlfriend feeling sad because of some other dude. this thing is going to pass. but i do miss him--not miss him as my boyfriend, but everything that i THOUGHT we were going to be and what this day was suppose to signify. there i said it outloud--but at the end of the day, you treated me like shit and you love someone else--and i will never love you again, but i pay homage to you. good run--with bad knees.
nam--i'm sorry for this, but you don't deserve this. thanks for being understanding. don't worry. after the first, im sure this will all pass. eight three one.
anyway. i'm done with that. so the past TWO HOURS i've been on guess who's blog? freakin' PAUL CANDA. i don't know why..but his blog entries are really interesting. he's had his blog for awhile, and i actually only read it now. weird. but thanks kuya paul for being a significant part of my spring break. hahahaha.
since you contributed to my spring break--- here's a picture you've taken:

hahaha. good summer times. michael and i were fucking hungry! so we went across the street and got chinese food.
okay. i'm going to do laundry and eat. and think of some clever way to make it up to you.
laterdays players.
so last night was interesting. i really wish it wasn't a topic we had to talk about, but i guess under the circumstances, it was an inevitable conversation. otherwise, let's try our HARDEST to never bring it up.
on that topic--i really don't know who to talk to about this kind of situation. also known as "doomsday". my heart isn't there anymore, but my mind keeps thinking about it. i can feel myself have flashes of it. and what it used to represent--years with an s and april fools.. i don't want to be with you ever again nor do i want to be your friend. most of all, i can't even have you in the same city without feeling ill. but i miss what it represented. besides you blog, i can't really talk about this one an unbias opinion. and if i do talk to someone, they don't really know whats going on. i miss what april first represented. guys always leave me before this two year mark. and i can't talk to my boyfriend about it because he really doesn't deserve his girlfriend feeling sad because of some other dude. this thing is going to pass. but i do miss him--not miss him as my boyfriend, but everything that i THOUGHT we were going to be and what this day was suppose to signify. there i said it outloud--but at the end of the day, you treated me like shit and you love someone else--and i will never love you again, but i pay homage to you. good run--with bad knees.
nam--i'm sorry for this, but you don't deserve this. thanks for being understanding. don't worry. after the first, im sure this will all pass. eight three one.
anyway. i'm done with that. so the past TWO HOURS i've been on guess who's blog? freakin' PAUL CANDA. i don't know why..but his blog entries are really interesting. he's had his blog for awhile, and i actually only read it now. weird. but thanks kuya paul for being a significant part of my spring break. hahahaha.
since you contributed to my spring break--- here's a picture you've taken:

hahaha. good summer times. michael and i were fucking hungry! so we went across the street and got chinese food.
okay. i'm going to do laundry and eat. and think of some clever way to make it up to you.
laterdays players.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
this is from last night. sorry for the typos
i had to write this blog in tiny TINY ass font because nosy bitches aka michael and krst were all up on my grill in the car. so here goes--------------------
"please don't touch my penis. i will go sleep now. thank you very much"- oh yeah already know. hahaha and it's NOT nam. MUAHAHA.
my days aren't as boring as my blogs come off to be. ON CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF, my days are actually extremely fun. it's just when i do have time to write a blog, i'm still getting over how much fun i've been having.
okay. right now honestly? i'm in the lexus because i'm going to oak harbor with nam. nam and i were suppose to go there a lot earlier, but guess what happened?! YEAH THAT'S RIGHT. krst's instigating ass was all i-wanna-go-to-oak-harbor-too-please-wait-for-me mood. so of course she GOES BEHIND MY BACK and tells nam to wait. nam's a nice guy so he's going to say yes. and his specific words were "she'll do that for know?" YEAH SURE I KNOW.
whatever. i'm pissed off at krst. just letting you ALL know that =] but i love her.i'm glad michael came to because krst's ass is OUT OF FUCKING CONTROL. i'm so happy he came. because i missed him as much as a missed krst and i saw michael a few days ago. hahaha.
anyway. we're on our way to oak harbor to meet up with everyone. for the barn and what not. probably going to eat afterwards. i hope we go to applebees because since lent is over, i haven't been binging out on lemons and vinger as i liked, and applebees is always a good place to eat lemons. "lemons with some water please"
school is starting in less than a week. and nam and i have plans this weekend =] but not nacquelyn plans, but nam and jackie is going along with him and his friends plans. but that's okay. all the guys have girlfriends and we just listen to the boys talk about cars and bikes. i'm very fortunate enough to not have a boyfriend that talks about cars twenty four effing seven, though a lot of girls probably assume that i have that problem. when i do. so suck it.
status on my dad? i'm pretty sure he's still not talking to me. the only time he tried calling me is because the phone bill wasn't paid--yeah sure it was ON easter, but i know he was calling to bitch me out. maybe my dad was calling to say happy easter, but we all know better. i've always dated guys like my dad. ALWAYS. nam is like my dad when he's toward my mom. since he's whipped. like WHIPPED CREAM.
anyway--i hate being called jacquelyna that isn't alan. even alan doesn't even call me that anymore. btw, i can't wait for conference, and alan loves me again.
megan can you please come home. i can't wait anymore.
good luck joan. just in case i don't write another 'boring' blog until thursday. i know you're busy to read my blog. i don't think that you read it anyway.
by the way, i love nam. straight up =]
i'll edit later. players.
ughh. we're on our way back to oak harbor. and since i'm not doing antyhing, but looking at this freakin' laptop, i've decided to finish the blog.well. we went the b barn but of coruse michael didn't want to go because it isn't his scene, so nam krst and i were there with the usual bfs--betina and joan. the four girls played tug o war. that was hella funny. and then we jumped rope while nam and the rest of the guys were breaking.
we all parted our seperate ways. so nam and i went to walmart---duh. to check if juno was there and see how the day 26 album was doing. juno wasn't there and day twenty six wasn't selling so hot.
we went to chill in the car until everyone went to applebees at nine for happy hour, but guess who was next to our car? CHEYENNE AND KRST =] so we walk it out for a little bit. then nam and i pick up michael at his house because he left the bbarn early. DUH.
we go to applebees afterwards. then we meet up with everyone--it was me nam joan betina michael april regina (congrats UW graduate) gazel and krst.
good ass laughs. always.
thanks nam for offering to go visit my friends. you are some kind of amazing. i love you.
i'm so excited i got to see my friends today. i hung out with my boyfriend. saw my tita at albertson. and most importantly, my mom loves me again.
you should hate, because my life right now, is almost perfect. but imperfections causes struggles and struggle equals strength. today i realized how lucky i was to have gone through struggles because they help define strength, my strength. i know it was all me, but without their aid, i'd be in some pot hole. seriously--and needed to be peeled off the floor. for the millionth time.
nevermind. we just got pulled over. how sweet. so i'm dating a criminal. i love bad boys. hahaha.
good night. everyone. i love you all.
"please don't touch my penis. i will go sleep now. thank you very much"- oh yeah already know. hahaha and it's NOT nam. MUAHAHA.
my days aren't as boring as my blogs come off to be. ON CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF, my days are actually extremely fun. it's just when i do have time to write a blog, i'm still getting over how much fun i've been having.
okay. right now honestly? i'm in the lexus because i'm going to oak harbor with nam. nam and i were suppose to go there a lot earlier, but guess what happened?! YEAH THAT'S RIGHT. krst's instigating ass was all i-wanna-go-to-oak-harbor-too-please-wait-for-me mood. so of course she GOES BEHIND MY BACK and tells nam to wait. nam's a nice guy so he's going to say yes. and his specific words were "she'll do that for know?" YEAH SURE I KNOW.
whatever. i'm pissed off at krst. just letting you ALL know that =] but i love her.i'm glad michael came to because krst's ass is OUT OF FUCKING CONTROL. i'm so happy he came. because i missed him as much as a missed krst and i saw michael a few days ago. hahaha.
anyway. we're on our way to oak harbor to meet up with everyone. for the barn and what not. probably going to eat afterwards. i hope we go to applebees because since lent is over, i haven't been binging out on lemons and vinger as i liked, and applebees is always a good place to eat lemons. "lemons with some water please"
school is starting in less than a week. and nam and i have plans this weekend =] but not nacquelyn plans, but nam and jackie is going along with him and his friends plans. but that's okay. all the guys have girlfriends and we just listen to the boys talk about cars and bikes. i'm very fortunate enough to not have a boyfriend that talks about cars twenty four effing seven, though a lot of girls probably assume that i have that problem. when i do. so suck it.
status on my dad? i'm pretty sure he's still not talking to me. the only time he tried calling me is because the phone bill wasn't paid--yeah sure it was ON easter, but i know he was calling to bitch me out. maybe my dad was calling to say happy easter, but we all know better. i've always dated guys like my dad. ALWAYS. nam is like my dad when he's toward my mom. since he's whipped. like WHIPPED CREAM.
anyway--i hate being called jacquelyna that isn't alan. even alan doesn't even call me that anymore. btw, i can't wait for conference, and alan loves me again.
megan can you please come home. i can't wait anymore.
good luck joan. just in case i don't write another 'boring' blog until thursday. i know you're busy to read my blog. i don't think that you read it anyway.
by the way, i love nam. straight up =]
i'll edit later. players.
ughh. we're on our way back to oak harbor. and since i'm not doing antyhing, but looking at this freakin' laptop, i've decided to finish the blog.well. we went the b barn but of coruse michael didn't want to go because it isn't his scene, so nam krst and i were there with the usual bfs--betina and joan. the four girls played tug o war. that was hella funny. and then we jumped rope while nam and the rest of the guys were breaking.
we all parted our seperate ways. so nam and i went to walmart---duh. to check if juno was there and see how the day 26 album was doing. juno wasn't there and day twenty six wasn't selling so hot.
we went to chill in the car until everyone went to applebees at nine for happy hour, but guess who was next to our car? CHEYENNE AND KRST =] so we walk it out for a little bit. then nam and i pick up michael at his house because he left the bbarn early. DUH.
we go to applebees afterwards. then we meet up with everyone--it was me nam joan betina michael april regina (congrats UW graduate) gazel and krst.
good ass laughs. always.
thanks nam for offering to go visit my friends. you are some kind of amazing. i love you.
i'm so excited i got to see my friends today. i hung out with my boyfriend. saw my tita at albertson. and most importantly, my mom loves me again.
you should hate, because my life right now, is almost perfect. but imperfections causes struggles and struggle equals strength. today i realized how lucky i was to have gone through struggles because they help define strength, my strength. i know it was all me, but without their aid, i'd be in some pot hole. seriously--and needed to be peeled off the floor. for the millionth time.
nevermind. we just got pulled over. how sweet. so i'm dating a criminal. i love bad boys. hahaha.
good night. everyone. i love you all.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
happy easter, and end of lent everyone!
hi. i know i haven't been blogging for awhile. i've just really been enjoying my spring break.
thursday= i pampered myself and then nam and i met up with krst and michael to watch the other boelyn girl. and it was really good. met up with kat and julmar. and icelle and marvin. holy crazy.
friday= nam and i had olive garden, we rode the bike everyone, and then went to sushiland with kat and julmar--went to jrs and maikou's house and freakin' got piss drunk. nam and i slept on the floor, IN OUR ROOM. hahaha
saturday= shawn and amy came over for some tacos. nam and i went to the mall, and then went to joey's. ate cheesecake when we got home.
today. we're meeting up with michael for some pho, but we have some family business to take care of. love you all and PIG OUT
thursday= i pampered myself and then nam and i met up with krst and michael to watch the other boelyn girl. and it was really good. met up with kat and julmar. and icelle and marvin. holy crazy.
friday= nam and i had olive garden, we rode the bike everyone, and then went to sushiland with kat and julmar--went to jrs and maikou's house and freakin' got piss drunk. nam and i slept on the floor, IN OUR ROOM. hahaha
saturday= shawn and amy came over for some tacos. nam and i went to the mall, and then went to joey's. ate cheesecake when we got home.
today. we're meeting up with michael for some pho, but we have some family business to take care of. love you all and PIG OUT
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
first official day of spring break.
IT'S HERE =] and i'm just waiting for my boyfriend to get home. i miss him so much.
anyway, after my french final. went to oak harbor, GOT MY CD =] went to get my haircut..
i love it so much--it's awesome. you guys will see soon. but.. guess who surprises me at the salon?! NAM AND KRST =] hahahaha. i didn't know nam was coming into town. but he missed me and thank god because i missed him.
then the three of us went to the barn. where we met up with joan cheyenne and betina--and the guys of course.
i was starving like A MUGG so we went to pita pit. i was craving it so bad when joan said she wanted a smoothie from there.
it was cheyenne krst randy joan greg betina carlo nam and i. it was nice seeing my friends =]
then i dropped krst and cheyenne off to krst's car since she left the jetta at artistianos.
i went back to pita and then nam and i wanted to go home, soo then everyone else did. yeah, we start trends.
nam and i went home. and we passed the fuck out. we were so tired because yesterday was definitely a trying day. i'm so sorry for everything that's happened. i really didn't mean for that to happen. it's nothing like that anymore. i'm very happy you're still around. and i'd be crazy if i ever left you for him....or anyone for that matter.
come home.
anyway, after my french final. went to oak harbor, GOT MY CD =] went to get my haircut..
i love it so much--it's awesome. you guys will see soon. but.. guess who surprises me at the salon?! NAM AND KRST =] hahahaha. i didn't know nam was coming into town. but he missed me and thank god because i missed him.
then the three of us went to the barn. where we met up with joan cheyenne and betina--and the guys of course.
i was starving like A MUGG so we went to pita pit. i was craving it so bad when joan said she wanted a smoothie from there.
it was cheyenne krst randy joan greg betina carlo nam and i. it was nice seeing my friends =]
then i dropped krst and cheyenne off to krst's car since she left the jetta at artistianos.
i went back to pita and then nam and i wanted to go home, soo then everyone else did. yeah, we start trends.
nam and i went home. and we passed the fuck out. we were so tired because yesterday was definitely a trying day. i'm so sorry for everything that's happened. i really didn't mean for that to happen. it's nothing like that anymore. i'm very happy you're still around. and i'd be crazy if i ever left you for him....or anyone for that matter.
come home.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
last day of school= death day= long blog.
i really don't want to bitch about finals in my blogs, but i seriously can't help it anymore. i'm having the crappiest day ever. I just took my final for my biological anthropology class, and it was soo hard. :[. i thought that the material was pretty cake, and i've been studying alittle every day all week, so i didn't think i needed to wil' out last night, i guess i did. i thought i knew the material pretty well. i hate details.
i'm trying to make myself feel better about everything.. this has been a stressful past few days from moving out of oaky, commuting, and just trying to be the best girlfriend i can be because i'm not doing so hot right now. i've been listening to my imeem playlist entitled "girly songs". it consists of that's how i like it by beyonce and jayz, damaged by danity kane, blue jeans by yasmeen, and b boy baby by mutya buena feat. amy wino.
i surprised nam by coming home WAY earlier than expected. he was really happy since he didn't have work at C&D due to a train hitting a semi! what the HELL right?!
shawn nam and i kicked it at home for awhile, but then shawn went home. just as nam and i were going to PASS OUT, my and katie calls us and asks us to drive to arlington THEN EVERETT to pick up his weight set. we do that...then finally get home. but nam and i had plans to go swimming at pilchuck at 7. we swam. it was so fun. hahaha. it was just us two and LOTS-O-KIDS. hahaha. after that, we had pho. i really don't like pho as much, but last night after swimming, pho was the best thing on the planet. i went home so i can study.. i studied and watched MTB4S2. it was nice =] and nam brought me cheesecake. we accidently passed out--because we were suppose to go to walmart at midnight to get....

but shit went down, and i didn't go, but he did. unfortunately, people at walmart were being pricks and weren't opening the box for him because they were waiting for the display at NINE. doode, just give him the damn cd. nam was getting heated so he had to leave. i'll just get my cd when i'm in oaky today.
[not angry, just concerned with myself]---------------------------- so counter blog this if you like, i don't care because he's right, i have to stop caring.
this really has nothing to do with you nor can you do anything about it. but please, stop haunting my nightmares, please stop ruining my life slowly. i know you aren't doing it, but i hate my memories of you. and the thing is that my memories when i think about you are all bad ones, of you yelling at me, you dating other girls, you cussing at me, telling me you regret us, and telling me that she's the love of your life. all those times you let me run away, the times we yelled at each other in the new development, the times where we slept angry, the many times you said no to me, the times you always said my flaws to me and other people, being the only person to embarass me. that's all i think about.. i think about how fast i fell out of love with you, just as fast as i fell in love with you.
i don't regret dating you like you regret me, but i wish i could erase the memories.. all of them. i wish i could just have the lessons i've learned from you, fashion sense, and my friends. i wish that's all i could get, but instead i have these memories.. not even good ones of you.when i think about the good times, it gets instantly replaced by bad ones of you.
i feel sorry for him, because he gets hurt. over NOTHING. it's not your problem i know. and that's what you're probably thinking, but he's my man, and i don't know what to do. i know you couldn't help me, you're not very good at giving advice. i'm so helpless because he loves me so much, and i don't know how to fix it. i'm assuming time will take care of it, but time has to hurry up and fix whatever you did to me, because i'm never going to do the same things i did to other boyfriends, and i'm DAMN sure that you won't be in the way. and i'm damn sure i'll never want him to leave.
you have nothing to do with us, but he's hurting for what?! you!. and that's nothing. ESPECIALLY to me.
i hate you for everything you've done to me, but i need to seriously stop caring about you. and the care i have for you, ISN'T A GOOD ONE. what i mean is that i MIND you. i hate it. you're already out of my heart, please please get out of my mind, and please stop eating my soul.
if this offends you, i'm sorry. i don't mean for it to, but i need to save myself. and nam. because he doesn't deserve this. he gives me the best, so i need to do that too. with untainted love. because of you i'm damaged goods.
i'm so sorry mydear. 831--trust.
i'm trying to make myself feel better about everything.. this has been a stressful past few days from moving out of oaky, commuting, and just trying to be the best girlfriend i can be because i'm not doing so hot right now. i've been listening to my imeem playlist entitled "girly songs". it consists of that's how i like it by beyonce and jayz, damaged by danity kane, blue jeans by yasmeen, and b boy baby by mutya buena feat. amy wino.
i surprised nam by coming home WAY earlier than expected. he was really happy since he didn't have work at C&D due to a train hitting a semi! what the HELL right?!
shawn nam and i kicked it at home for awhile, but then shawn went home. just as nam and i were going to PASS OUT, my and katie calls us and asks us to drive to arlington THEN EVERETT to pick up his weight set. we do that...then finally get home. but nam and i had plans to go swimming at pilchuck at 7. we swam. it was so fun. hahaha. it was just us two and LOTS-O-KIDS. hahaha. after that, we had pho. i really don't like pho as much, but last night after swimming, pho was the best thing on the planet. i went home so i can study.. i studied and watched MTB4S2. it was nice =] and nam brought me cheesecake. we accidently passed out--because we were suppose to go to walmart at midnight to get....
but shit went down, and i didn't go, but he did. unfortunately, people at walmart were being pricks and weren't opening the box for him because they were waiting for the display at NINE. doode, just give him the damn cd. nam was getting heated so he had to leave. i'll just get my cd when i'm in oaky today.
[not angry, just concerned with myself]---------------------------- so counter blog this if you like, i don't care because he's right, i have to stop caring.
this really has nothing to do with you nor can you do anything about it. but please, stop haunting my nightmares, please stop ruining my life slowly. i know you aren't doing it, but i hate my memories of you. and the thing is that my memories when i think about you are all bad ones, of you yelling at me, you dating other girls, you cussing at me, telling me you regret us, and telling me that she's the love of your life. all those times you let me run away, the times we yelled at each other in the new development, the times where we slept angry, the many times you said no to me, the times you always said my flaws to me and other people, being the only person to embarass me. that's all i think about.. i think about how fast i fell out of love with you, just as fast as i fell in love with you.
i don't regret dating you like you regret me, but i wish i could erase the memories.. all of them. i wish i could just have the lessons i've learned from you, fashion sense, and my friends. i wish that's all i could get, but instead i have these memories.. not even good ones of you.when i think about the good times, it gets instantly replaced by bad ones of you.
i feel sorry for him, because he gets hurt. over NOTHING. it's not your problem i know. and that's what you're probably thinking, but he's my man, and i don't know what to do. i know you couldn't help me, you're not very good at giving advice. i'm so helpless because he loves me so much, and i don't know how to fix it. i'm assuming time will take care of it, but time has to hurry up and fix whatever you did to me, because i'm never going to do the same things i did to other boyfriends, and i'm DAMN sure that you won't be in the way. and i'm damn sure i'll never want him to leave.
you have nothing to do with us, but he's hurting for what?! you!. and that's nothing. ESPECIALLY to me.
i hate you for everything you've done to me, but i need to seriously stop caring about you. and the care i have for you, ISN'T A GOOD ONE. what i mean is that i MIND you. i hate it. you're already out of my heart, please please get out of my mind, and please stop eating my soul.
if this offends you, i'm sorry. i don't mean for it to, but i need to save myself. and nam. because he doesn't deserve this. he gives me the best, so i need to do that too. with untainted love. because of you i'm damaged goods.
i'm so sorry mydear. 831--trust.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
domestic partnership.
i can't believe that i cried when i left oaky today.
i forgot to say that nam krst and i went to jumbo yesterday day. and met up with the candas. only the parental units and canda number two aka michael. it was fun, we got seated next to each other.
then later on that night, nam and i took krst and michael to dinner. since cheyenne couldn't go, we took the bestfriend couple out. we went to johnny carino's. lots of laughs i must add. we've been doing that a lot lately... laughing. it's good because it's soothing to the soul-- mostly about me. i love it when my friends like telling humiliating stories about me to the boyfriend. it's AWESOME.
after wards-- michael felt bad that nam paid so he took the four of us out to see 10,000 b.c.. WOW RIGHT?. hahaha. it was such a good movie, because it really is a love story with lots of good action. i also ABSOLUTELY loved it because it had so much anthropological stuff i learned from my classes. especially material i learned this year from my bio anth and archaeology classes.
i have my archaeology final tomorrow--the material is so effing boring, but cake none the less. i can't wait for tuesday. where my last finals take place, and i get to visit oak harbor for my hair cut and see the girls.
my brother texts me today. i freakin' miss him. so much. and my sister. it's stupid that the parental units are giving me and HIM a hard time..
well. i'm going to go now =]. i just got done studying and now i'm interneting. my usual shits. hahaha byee eeveryonee..
--to you, i feel like you have been avoiding me these past few weeks. i know school is in the way, but now that you're okay with everyone, i feel like you're leaving me in the dark. you don't text or call me anymore. i don't call or text as much because i don't wanna intrude. i feel like that's what i've been to you. just an intrusion on your life. i'm afraid when we go to conference, you're going to bail out on me. i'm going for you, initally. i'm excited to go overall, but i'm more excited to kick it with you and the guys. you called me friday night. and i was so happy. i just got done telling nam how much i missed you.... and you call! but i call and text you b.ack and you don't call or text me back either.. i'm sorry for being so needy. i know i am. but i love you in my life. please don't kick me out of it.
i'm back to myself. i LOVE it.
i forgot to say that nam krst and i went to jumbo yesterday day. and met up with the candas. only the parental units and canda number two aka michael. it was fun, we got seated next to each other.
then later on that night, nam and i took krst and michael to dinner. since cheyenne couldn't go, we took the bestfriend couple out. we went to johnny carino's. lots of laughs i must add. we've been doing that a lot lately... laughing. it's good because it's soothing to the soul-- mostly about me. i love it when my friends like telling humiliating stories about me to the boyfriend. it's AWESOME.
after wards-- michael felt bad that nam paid so he took the four of us out to see 10,000 b.c.. WOW RIGHT?. hahaha. it was such a good movie, because it really is a love story with lots of good action. i also ABSOLUTELY loved it because it had so much anthropological stuff i learned from my classes. especially material i learned this year from my bio anth and archaeology classes.
i have my archaeology final tomorrow--the material is so effing boring, but cake none the less. i can't wait for tuesday. where my last finals take place, and i get to visit oak harbor for my hair cut and see the girls.
my brother texts me today. i freakin' miss him. so much. and my sister. it's stupid that the parental units are giving me and HIM a hard time..
well. i'm going to go now =]. i just got done studying and now i'm interneting. my usual shits. hahaha byee eeveryonee..
--to you, i feel like you have been avoiding me these past few weeks. i know school is in the way, but now that you're okay with everyone, i feel like you're leaving me in the dark. you don't text or call me anymore. i don't call or text as much because i don't wanna intrude. i feel like that's what i've been to you. just an intrusion on your life. i'm afraid when we go to conference, you're going to bail out on me. i'm going for you, initally. i'm excited to go overall, but i'm more excited to kick it with you and the guys. you called me friday night. and i was so happy. i just got done telling nam how much i missed you.... and you call! but i call and text you b.ack and you don't call or text me back either.. i'm sorry for being so needy. i know i am. but i love you in my life. please don't kick me out of it.
i'm back to myself. i LOVE it.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
before my date.
look what michael did.
what a jerk.
what a jerk.
last weekend in OAKY.
so this is my last weekend here in oaky. it's pretty sad, i must say.
yesterday nam picked me up in mt. vernon so we can head down to OAKY together. we got home and chilled for a little bit. michael and everyone wanted to go to skywarrior. unfortunately my ID is expired so i couldn't escort us into the base so we met michael at joan's house so we can catch a ride with him.
PRIOR to us going in town, MICHAEL fails to remind us that the movie is at 730. mind you that i'm getting ready slowly because i didn't think that the movie isn't until later tonight. i hurry and get ready. and can i please tel you. i UNTIFFANY-ED it up. =]
michael gazel and april pick us up. we meet up with krst joan randy. and janelle comes later.
after that we head up to pita pit. more people come through.. oak harbor was poppin'. except for the weather.
then me and nam got the car, and since no one was doing a damn thing nam and i head back out of town.
it's the 15th so happy one. =] nacquelyn & cheytee.
dinner tonight--probably get a little crunk too. SWEETTT..
yesterday nam picked me up in mt. vernon so we can head down to OAKY together. we got home and chilled for a little bit. michael and everyone wanted to go to skywarrior. unfortunately my ID is expired so i couldn't escort us into the base so we met michael at joan's house so we can catch a ride with him.
PRIOR to us going in town, MICHAEL fails to remind us that the movie is at 730. mind you that i'm getting ready slowly because i didn't think that the movie isn't until later tonight. i hurry and get ready. and can i please tel you. i UNTIFFANY-ED it up. =]
michael gazel and april pick us up. we meet up with krst joan randy. and janelle comes later.
after that we head up to pita pit. more people come through.. oak harbor was poppin'. except for the weather.
then me and nam got the car, and since no one was doing a damn thing nam and i head back out of town.
it's the 15th so happy one. =] nacquelyn & cheytee.
dinner tonight--probably get a little crunk too. SWEETTT..
Thursday, March 13, 2008
bbarn, my girls, starbucks conversations.
i just got done kickin it with the girls. joan betina and i went to eat baskin robins and lil caesar's.
studied at our spot.
studied at our spot again--krst came =] more awesome starbucks conversations.
krst's crib, betina just dropped me off.
i got a lot done. i finished my study guide. i don't know about thosee girls. hahaha
today i had PLENTY of awesome quotes. i wish i could capture each quote. and remember it. my girls make THEE best quotes. so does my boyfriend. i love it.
speaking of good quotes. alan had a good one yesterday
"let's move. i don't wanna be in front of the camera........ yeah i do"- alan michael casitas.
tomorrow is friday. thank god. i have to do laundry and start packing a little. nam is coming tomorrow. hopefully. probably kick it. that's it.
i can't wait for tuesday =]
studied at our spot.
studied at our spot again--krst came =] more awesome starbucks conversations.
krst's crib, betina just dropped me off.
i got a lot done. i finished my study guide. i don't know about thosee girls. hahaha
today i had PLENTY of awesome quotes. i wish i could capture each quote. and remember it. my girls make THEE best quotes. so does my boyfriend. i love it.
speaking of good quotes. alan had a good one yesterday
"let's move. i don't wanna be in front of the camera........ yeah i do"- alan michael casitas.
tomorrow is friday. thank god. i have to do laundry and start packing a little. nam is coming tomorrow. hopefully. probably kick it. that's it.
i can't wait for tuesday =]
via pacific retina. seattle office.
i love texting my bestfriends when their asses are hard at work.
Michael says: "I'll give you a hicky"
but of course i say: "with what? a vacuum?"
Krst says: "stop sign please"
but of course... she actually puts it on my myspace.
please witness bitches ---->
anyone. i'm safe on american idol, which is nice because i did suck wednesday :(.
speaking of suck (PUN SUPER INTENDED--to michael and krst), NAM came over last night.. it didn't suck really, but he just watched me study, and we hung out. it was the complete opposite of SUCK, it was awesome... then he went home this morning. i'm sad everytime he leaves me, but it's okay. that'll change very soon.
i'm done with class and it's really nice getting out this early. this is going to be my tuesday and thursday classes next quarter, but then i'll be going home to my mans. =].
today i'm going to meet up with the girls at our study spot. then hit up the BBARN. niceeeeeeee =]
and i need a spoon and lotion.
okay laterdays playays.
oh yeah, can i say MARCH 18TH?
Michael says: "I'll give you a hicky"
but of course i say: "with what? a vacuum?"
Krst says: "stop sign please"
but of course... she actually puts it on my myspace.
please witness bitches ---->
anyone. i'm safe on american idol, which is nice because i did suck wednesday :(.
speaking of suck (PUN SUPER INTENDED--to michael and krst), NAM came over last night.. it didn't suck really, but he just watched me study, and we hung out. it was the complete opposite of SUCK, it was awesome... then he went home this morning. i'm sad everytime he leaves me, but it's okay. that'll change very soon.
i'm done with class and it's really nice getting out this early. this is going to be my tuesday and thursday classes next quarter, but then i'll be going home to my mans. =].
today i'm going to meet up with the girls at our study spot. then hit up the BBARN. niceeeeeeee =]
and i need a spoon and lotion.
okay laterdays playays.
oh yeah, can i say MARCH 18TH?
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
i tried every remedy and nothing seems to work for me =]
i'm never getting over the fact that i freakin love danity kane. seriously. MORE THAN LIFE.
i wish i could just write out the lyrics to this song, and tell you why i love every line, but that'll be a waste of time, because you guys know. i LOVE them =] seriously MORE THAN LIFE.
anyway. since i've been in DK hardcore-groupie-phase, along with michael thank you very much, i haven't been telling you guys any STABLE agendas.
well monday. i went all the way in town. i met up with betina and we went to the hosptial, then we went to the new starbucks. dannggg oaky =]
joan and krst came over. we had a wonderful studying session. we've decided that it was the bomb place to study. because it has the perfect amount of noise. i need noise to study--or damaged by danity kane playing in the background.
then i went home with krst. good laughs with the girls for sure. i love my girls. i promise i'll visit you guys ALWAYS. in both towns/cities.
so today. i get to go home early today because i don't have la classe de francaise.--and i think my shoes are here =]
i'm going home and study, but guess who's coming to study with me?! DAMN NAM!!!!
so nam, tell me how you gonna fix it, fix it, fix it?. hahaha. just joking. my h-e-a-r-t is no longer d-a-m-a-g-e-d. hahaha. omg. i love danity kane more than life. sorry nam. it's just how life goes, but i'm glad you're patient to understand, because i don't need time to clear the whole in my heart..anymore. =] hahahaha. i'm so funny.
i wish i could just write out the lyrics to this song, and tell you why i love every line, but that'll be a waste of time, because you guys know. i LOVE them =] seriously MORE THAN LIFE.
anyway. since i've been in DK hardcore-groupie-phase, along with michael thank you very much, i haven't been telling you guys any STABLE agendas.
well monday. i went all the way in town. i met up with betina and we went to the hosptial, then we went to the new starbucks. dannggg oaky =]
joan and krst came over. we had a wonderful studying session. we've decided that it was the bomb place to study. because it has the perfect amount of noise. i need noise to study--or damaged by danity kane playing in the background.
then i went home with krst. good laughs with the girls for sure. i love my girls. i promise i'll visit you guys ALWAYS. in both towns/cities.
so today. i get to go home early today because i don't have la classe de francaise.--and i think my shoes are here =]
i'm going home and study, but guess who's coming to study with me?! DAMN NAM!!!!
so nam, tell me how you gonna fix it, fix it, fix it?. hahaha. just joking. my h-e-a-r-t is no longer d-a-m-a-g-e-d. hahaha. omg. i love danity kane more than life. sorry nam. it's just how life goes, but i'm glad you're patient to understand, because i don't need time to clear the whole in my heart..anymore. =] hahahaha. i'm so funny.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
dead and finals week.
my blazers are coming in tomorrow =]
the 15th is the weekend.
study like a mofo today, tomorrow, thursday, all this weekend-- yummy =]
i miss my fasa friends. sorry i've still be MIA. school sucks.
"can you hurry up and come here already?"
daylight savings time helped me by an hour =]
eight three one mydear.
i'm sorry CHEYTEE.
shall post again later.
Monday, March 10, 2008
i'm notorious for my long ass blogs, it's monday. and i haven't blogged in FOREVER. so bitches watch it. i'm complaining too! hence the title. =| avec one ode to my mans.
my myspace page is off private now, so i'm sure i have new people looking at this.
but PREMIERE FOIS, here was the former itinerary:
friday: a great day because i turned in that stupid ass paper, and i had a three hour break in between that class and french. i waited outside for alan to get out of class. i thought preeya was there too, but lazy bitch slept. haha. alan and i met up with hikari. we all went to lunch. that was nice. then i went mt vernon to meet up with guess whoo?! DAMMMN NAMMM. =]. i see his car when i'm walking toward the station... i look inside. and i see my sweet perfect boyfriend sleeping in his car. i knock, a very cute knock. and then i knock harder.. i look around to see the other doors, but they're all locked too. i can see he was waiting for my call because his phone was on his lap. i call and i call. at this point i'm knocking and screaming "NAM! NAM! NAM!" --coordinating with my knocks of course. i'm frustrated at this point. it's no longer cute. i sit on the curb and just call him from there. i'm waiting to see if he'll poke his head up, but no. so i go there. and i'm laughing but frustrated at the same time. i'm laughing OUT LOUD, and i keep screaming "OHH NAMM.. you are DEAD MEAT!" then i start knocking like a mad woman...FINALLY his ass wakes up. he's very happy to see me.. but i'm not so happy to see him. but i'm laughing inside. it was a good nacquelyn moment. we head to marysville. we kick it at home all day. we're hella scrubby. we watch hella movies. and we eat pho. oh god. it was good though because it was raining. then we went to sleep at like freakin 10!
saturday: we wake up at 12 the next day. the oversleeping was so needed. we get ready to go to the aquariam. we went with amy and shawn because it was there anniversary. it was very short . imean VERY. and there was way too much people there but i had a lot of fun with nam. it was so cute. after that we go to sushiland for some SUCKY ASS service. but i love their ice cream. i had two :(. after that we go to the mall, and nam bought me two pumps :). thanks mydear. and then we went to phoung's sisters house. i drank. beer. like a lot in a short time. NOT ME. it was fun though. nam and i went home, and he was laughing at me.
sunday: nam and i decided that it was going to be our chill day. we were planning on staying home after church and pho, but we didn't go to church, but of course we got pho or nam would've cried. hahaha. we saw phoung and vee there. shawn came with since his plans didn't fall through. afterwards, we dropped phoung and vee off at their house. the three of us head back to marysville. it wasn't sunny but the temperature was nice :) so nam and i wanted to take the bike out.. we get dress up in our jackets. and gloves. we look so sexy. hahaha. we wanted to browse stores so we went to the outlet. we visited amy, and we saw some other people, but everyone saw US. hahaha. afterwards we went to bestbuy and target (thanks for my baby genevieve). then we went to coldstone since i wanted dessert. there was too much people in the store, so we decided to sit on the bike- which was the cutest thing ever. we went to the twin lakes which was really nice. i never heard of that place beofre then we went home to watch transformers, but i wanted chips and dip. we didn't have any so we were going to go to the corner store, so we took the bike with NO jackets and in sweats. both of us. WE FREEZE on the way there. they didn't have the ones i wanted so we went to THRIFT WAY. omg. we were freezing like NO OTHER. we came back after our little excursion. we watch transformers then we head back to oaky. we go into town because i wanna visit the girls (krst betina joan and april). thanks nam. sorry about being the only boy.
now it's monday. krst picked me up at my house since she was working in mt. vernon. i packed her some food..i made my bus by 3 MINUTES. it was CRAZY. hahaha. stupid krst.
and i didn't have my french oral exam today. it's tomorrow. THE FUCK.
and my mother bitches me out.. in english AND IN TAGALOG. she never does that, i didn't even do anything to her. so who do i call? MICHAEL. but he's at work, then who do i do most of my bitching too? DAMN NAM.
complaining time with shout outs:
MR. ANGEL GUERRERO.- DAD seriously. IF YOU WANNA TALK TO ME. please PLEASE call me. i've been trying to call you. but you're being so damn stubborn. i called you hella. and you missed my calls? THEN CALL ME BACK. geezus.
MRS. MAYLYNE GUERRERO- MOM. you seriously yelled like static. stop choosing sides. i'm tired of talking about why HE'S not calling ME. i've been. STOP YELLING. stop calling me jacquelyna. what if i called you maylyna?! you'd hate that right? AND STOP CUSSING AT ME IN TAGALOG. i know what it FREAKIN MEANS. i'm not five anymore.
DIANA PETERS- DOODE. why the late notice? you're so lucky that i have a backup and an amazing boyfriend or i'd be homeless. it's such bullshit. but whatever.
PACIFIC RETINA- STOP FUCKING WITH MY FRIENDS. keep them in MT. VERNON. or everett. i live near both =] MUAHAHAHA.
NATIONAL GUARD- bring megan back. i miss her. alot. we need her to regulate.
BF- please try to support me.. i feel like i'm carrie bradshaw moving to paris and you're miranda telling me not to move to paris.i just need your support. you know he's perfect for me. i just really need you right now to believe in us because you know if this relationship fails, i'm going to die then you michael betina joan and megan will have to pry my ass off the floor again. i'm scared because of everything that happened to me.. like really scared. it's kind of hard to tell you about it because it's like you're not hearing me out--i'm scared, but nam is making it sound super easy. he loves me and you know it.--just be there for us please?
ALAN CASITAS- i'm not trying to push me away from you. i just want you to be happy. i think i'm just giving you your space back. i feel like i smother you. i always want you around. i've been busy with school, but it really couldn't come at a better time. i wanna be with you hella. hahha i feel like it's too much for you and i'm not letting you kick it with everyone else. i love you though.
obsession: marques houston- favorite girl.
wish it was called favorite guy
damn nam-
i should put you in complaints because i need you to stop being so perfect, like liking my friends, saying the right things, helping my friends out with car stuff and breaking stuff, helping me fix myself while being the absolute best cure, asking me to move,.. planning for us. i don't know what more i can ask for. i thought i found what i needed before, but you are really perfect to me. i thought i found great before, but it wasn't all that great anymore. thanks for being understanding about my friends. thanks for always ALWAYS having my back. thanks for starting to become a best friend. you seriously help me. and you are so calm even when i flip out. i'm going to annoy you. and i'm positive that you will-- but you are so confident you won't. i love how you claim me LIKE NO OTHER even when those girls are around. the expression "actions speak louder than words" is not applicable to you because both your actions and words are of EXTREME HIGH quality. you say you love me so much, and you prove it to me. you listen and you actually react to things i tell you. you ask questions about my life AND my friends AND my family.
you are my trophy.
and i'm glad you're on MY SHELF.
my myspace page is off private now, so i'm sure i have new people looking at this.
but PREMIERE FOIS, here was the former itinerary:
friday: a great day because i turned in that stupid ass paper, and i had a three hour break in between that class and french. i waited outside for alan to get out of class. i thought preeya was there too, but lazy bitch slept. haha. alan and i met up with hikari. we all went to lunch. that was nice. then i went mt vernon to meet up with guess whoo?! DAMMMN NAMMM. =]. i see his car when i'm walking toward the station... i look inside. and i see my sweet perfect boyfriend sleeping in his car. i knock, a very cute knock. and then i knock harder.. i look around to see the other doors, but they're all locked too. i can see he was waiting for my call because his phone was on his lap. i call and i call. at this point i'm knocking and screaming "NAM! NAM! NAM!" --coordinating with my knocks of course. i'm frustrated at this point. it's no longer cute. i sit on the curb and just call him from there. i'm waiting to see if he'll poke his head up, but no. so i go there. and i'm laughing but frustrated at the same time. i'm laughing OUT LOUD, and i keep screaming "OHH NAMM.. you are DEAD MEAT!" then i start knocking like a mad woman...FINALLY his ass wakes up. he's very happy to see me.. but i'm not so happy to see him. but i'm laughing inside. it was a good nacquelyn moment. we head to marysville. we kick it at home all day. we're hella scrubby. we watch hella movies. and we eat pho. oh god. it was good though because it was raining. then we went to sleep at like freakin 10!
saturday: we wake up at 12 the next day. the oversleeping was so needed. we get ready to go to the aquariam. we went with amy and shawn because it was there anniversary. it was very short . imean VERY. and there was way too much people there but i had a lot of fun with nam. it was so cute. after that we go to sushiland for some SUCKY ASS service. but i love their ice cream. i had two :(. after that we go to the mall, and nam bought me two pumps :). thanks mydear. and then we went to phoung's sisters house. i drank. beer. like a lot in a short time. NOT ME. it was fun though. nam and i went home, and he was laughing at me.
sunday: nam and i decided that it was going to be our chill day. we were planning on staying home after church and pho, but we didn't go to church, but of course we got pho or nam would've cried. hahaha. we saw phoung and vee there. shawn came with since his plans didn't fall through. afterwards, we dropped phoung and vee off at their house. the three of us head back to marysville. it wasn't sunny but the temperature was nice :) so nam and i wanted to take the bike out.. we get dress up in our jackets. and gloves. we look so sexy. hahaha. we wanted to browse stores so we went to the outlet. we visited amy, and we saw some other people, but everyone saw US. hahaha. afterwards we went to bestbuy and target (thanks for my baby genevieve). then we went to coldstone since i wanted dessert. there was too much people in the store, so we decided to sit on the bike- which was the cutest thing ever. we went to the twin lakes which was really nice. i never heard of that place beofre then we went home to watch transformers, but i wanted chips and dip. we didn't have any so we were going to go to the corner store, so we took the bike with NO jackets and in sweats. both of us. WE FREEZE on the way there. they didn't have the ones i wanted so we went to THRIFT WAY. omg. we were freezing like NO OTHER. we came back after our little excursion. we watch transformers then we head back to oaky. we go into town because i wanna visit the girls (krst betina joan and april). thanks nam. sorry about being the only boy.
now it's monday. krst picked me up at my house since she was working in mt. vernon. i packed her some food..i made my bus by 3 MINUTES. it was CRAZY. hahaha. stupid krst.
and i didn't have my french oral exam today. it's tomorrow. THE FUCK.
and my mother bitches me out.. in english AND IN TAGALOG. she never does that, i didn't even do anything to her. so who do i call? MICHAEL. but he's at work, then who do i do most of my bitching too? DAMN NAM.
complaining time with shout outs:
MR. ANGEL GUERRERO.- DAD seriously. IF YOU WANNA TALK TO ME. please PLEASE call me. i've been trying to call you. but you're being so damn stubborn. i called you hella. and you missed my calls? THEN CALL ME BACK. geezus.
MRS. MAYLYNE GUERRERO- MOM. you seriously yelled like static. stop choosing sides. i'm tired of talking about why HE'S not calling ME. i've been. STOP YELLING. stop calling me jacquelyna. what if i called you maylyna?! you'd hate that right? AND STOP CUSSING AT ME IN TAGALOG. i know what it FREAKIN MEANS. i'm not five anymore.
DIANA PETERS- DOODE. why the late notice? you're so lucky that i have a backup and an amazing boyfriend or i'd be homeless. it's such bullshit. but whatever.
PACIFIC RETINA- STOP FUCKING WITH MY FRIENDS. keep them in MT. VERNON. or everett. i live near both =] MUAHAHAHA.
NATIONAL GUARD- bring megan back. i miss her. alot. we need her to regulate.
BF- please try to support me.. i feel like i'm carrie bradshaw moving to paris and you're miranda telling me not to move to paris.i just need your support. you know he's perfect for me. i just really need you right now to believe in us because you know if this relationship fails, i'm going to die then you michael betina joan and megan will have to pry my ass off the floor again. i'm scared because of everything that happened to me.. like really scared. it's kind of hard to tell you about it because it's like you're not hearing me out--i'm scared, but nam is making it sound super easy. he loves me and you know it.--just be there for us please?
ALAN CASITAS- i'm not trying to push me away from you. i just want you to be happy. i think i'm just giving you your space back. i feel like i smother you. i always want you around. i've been busy with school, but it really couldn't come at a better time. i wanna be with you hella. hahha i feel like it's too much for you and i'm not letting you kick it with everyone else. i love you though.
obsession: marques houston- favorite girl.
wish it was called favorite guy
damn nam-
i should put you in complaints because i need you to stop being so perfect, like liking my friends, saying the right things, helping my friends out with car stuff and breaking stuff, helping me fix myself while being the absolute best cure, asking me to move,.. planning for us. i don't know what more i can ask for. i thought i found what i needed before, but you are really perfect to me. i thought i found great before, but it wasn't all that great anymore. thanks for being understanding about my friends. thanks for always ALWAYS having my back. thanks for starting to become a best friend. you seriously help me. and you are so calm even when i flip out. i'm going to annoy you. and i'm positive that you will-- but you are so confident you won't. i love how you claim me LIKE NO OTHER even when those girls are around. the expression "actions speak louder than words" is not applicable to you because both your actions and words are of EXTREME HIGH quality. you say you love me so much, and you prove it to me. you listen and you actually react to things i tell you. you ask questions about my life AND my friends AND my family.
you are my trophy.
and i'm glad you're on MY SHELF.
Friday, March 7, 2008
i'm already at school... lame.
i came on campus early to finish my paper. whoopie freakin' doo.
i can't wait to turn in this stupid paper--i usually like writing papers, but i think this is my most poorly written one yet, i think.
i don't care. as long as i did it. i heard koetje gives 100s if you just did it. so i dont wanna stress out about that when i have plenty of other shit to worry about.
i can't wait to see nam today. i guess he'll be picking me up at mt. vernon instead of everett. yayy boyfriend =].
i'm going to go. i'm cranky. and this keyboard is hard to type on. yuck.
laterdays. players.
i can't wait to turn in this stupid paper--i usually like writing papers, but i think this is my most poorly written one yet, i think.
i don't care. as long as i did it. i heard koetje gives 100s if you just did it. so i dont wanna stress out about that when i have plenty of other shit to worry about.
i can't wait to see nam today. i guess he'll be picking me up at mt. vernon instead of everett. yayy boyfriend =].
i'm going to go. i'm cranky. and this keyboard is hard to type on. yuck.
laterdays. players.
"i had butterflies in my stomach"
because I REALLY DID.
so michael, krst, and nam picked me up (gazelle drove up already), we went to drop them off.
doode you don't even know. michael and krst dipped out SUPER fast. and nam and i had nothing to do. i really wanted some starbucks so we went there and talked for like an hour before everyone was going to we thought. it was 9 o'clock. we had to ask some people because we freakin' left our cellphones in the car. we call everyone to find out that it's at 930. GAH. so nam and i have like half an hour to kill.
we go to the view.
----finally says something nice about oaky, thank you very much.
we had to applebees. we were the first one there. then michael and joan get there. then comes avril, then gazelle, then betina and greg, krst and then marvin.
doode we were there until almost 12. it was so much fun, lots of laughs. michael tells the usual--how fat he was, the track story (still gets me everytime), and all the drama in the past.
joan michael nam krst and i kick it at his house for a bit, they just dropped me off.
don't worry dear, THIS WEEKEND. i promise. sorry about alla dat. haha. i can't wait to kick it with you all weekend. it's raining, so NO BIKE =], but we can do other things. you're my gimme doze. it's amazing how you can put up with me. i'm glad its really unconditional, no matter what it is. your patience is key to me. attraction, passion, fun, understanding--for years.i couldn't ask for more. eight three one *i'm showing it to you with my fingers*
it was a fun night..but i barely wrote anything because i was excited. and i had butterflies in my stomach. hahaha. of course they're mad at me.--the consequences? all nighter..yeahhhhhh!.. not really
i realized how much i missed yokosuka, looking at michael's pictures. i remember doing confirmation in that church. going there for everything.
thank you for being the coolest ever. thank you for updating me on clothes and shoes. thanks for knowing what i'd wear and not wear. thank you for always ALWAYS understanding me, when no one else does, you know i'm making perfect sense. thanks alan for the blog.
so michael, krst, and nam picked me up (gazelle drove up already), we went to drop them off.
doode you don't even know. michael and krst dipped out SUPER fast. and nam and i had nothing to do. i really wanted some starbucks so we went there and talked for like an hour before everyone was going to we thought. it was 9 o'clock. we had to ask some people because we freakin' left our cellphones in the car. we call everyone to find out that it's at 930. GAH. so nam and i have like half an hour to kill.
we go to the view.
----finally says something nice about oaky, thank you very much.
we had to applebees. we were the first one there. then michael and joan get there. then comes avril, then gazelle, then betina and greg, krst and then marvin.
doode we were there until almost 12. it was so much fun, lots of laughs. michael tells the usual--how fat he was, the track story (still gets me everytime), and all the drama in the past.
joan michael nam krst and i kick it at his house for a bit, they just dropped me off.
don't worry dear, THIS WEEKEND. i promise. sorry about alla dat. haha. i can't wait to kick it with you all weekend. it's raining, so NO BIKE =], but we can do other things. you're my gimme doze. it's amazing how you can put up with me. i'm glad its really unconditional, no matter what it is. your patience is key to me. attraction, passion, fun, understanding--for years.i couldn't ask for more. eight three one *i'm showing it to you with my fingers*
it was a fun night..but i barely wrote anything because i was excited. and i had butterflies in my stomach. hahaha. of course they're mad at me.--the consequences? all nighter..yeahhhhhh!.. not really
i realized how much i missed yokosuka, looking at michael's pictures. i remember doing confirmation in that church. going there for everything.
thank you for being the coolest ever. thank you for updating me on clothes and shoes. thanks for knowing what i'd wear and not wear. thank you for always ALWAYS understanding me, when no one else does, you know i'm making perfect sense. thanks alan for the blog.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
jacquelyn guerrero-canda.
i wanna be a canda. instead of working on my paper, i stalked the canda brothers--pmk.
it was suppose to only be a distraction from actually writing my paper but now...
i'm convinenced. hahaha.
anyway. all i'm doing is stalking, waiting to write..and waiting for krst, nam, and gazelle.
okay love you all.
oh yeah..applebees. AGAIN tonight.
i really miss alan, raf, ryan, preeya and hikari..i miss all my friends at western. i hate school.
i love how what brought us together (school) is tearing me apart from them. i'm so out of it. :(...
btw--establishment revised. the 15th.
it was suppose to only be a distraction from actually writing my paper but now...
i'm convinenced. hahaha.
anyway. all i'm doing is stalking, waiting to write..and waiting for krst, nam, and gazelle.
okay love you all.
oh yeah..applebees. AGAIN tonight.
i really miss alan, raf, ryan, preeya and hikari..i miss all my friends at western. i hate school.
i love how what brought us together (school) is tearing me apart from them. i'm so out of it. :(...
btw--establishment revised. the 15th.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
this week has been going by so fast.
"When I'm with you I try to be my best, because I never want you finding better..."-Nam P. Mai
i know you really want me to, and i really want to too, but this is a serious SERIOUS step. i know i have a quarter to think about it, and i really am. we fit. and i think if i do and things run smoothly, it'll be the best times ever. i know you want it to happen in the summer, but i'm scared. what if you stop loving me? or you stop liking me all together? i know you want to be the supporter, but i'd feel bad. there's so much questions running through my head since you've asked me. last time this happened to me, it went sour. fast. what if it's too early? i think it's too early, but it feels like what i want to do.
i know you promise me things, and you've made all of them come true..already.
i know you really want me to, and i really want to too, but this is a serious SERIOUS step. i know i have a quarter to think about it, and i really am. we fit. and i think if i do and things run smoothly, it'll be the best times ever. i know you want it to happen in the summer, but i'm scared. what if you stop loving me? or you stop liking me all together? i know you want to be the supporter, but i'd feel bad. there's so much questions running through my head since you've asked me. last time this happened to me, it went sour. fast. what if it's too early? i think it's too early, but it feels like what i want to do.
i know you promise me things, and you've made all of them come true..already.
missed like all my shows, but hey i'm singing tonight.
LOTS OF drama has been going on, but besides that the happiness level dropped for me and my friends, i'm still very VERY happy. i really didn't think that anything would make me feel bad after the perfect life i've been having, but i'm still pretty happy..
after i wrote that blog, nam picked me up at dugula bay--and then we went to the Bbarn. betina and joan were there. nam wasn't dressed to dance, but he did anyway. "dammmnnnn namm!". after that, nam and i went to get some mcdonalds, then met gretina and roan (IT WILL STAY ROAN) at joan's house. we watched greg's break dancing dvd he got from betina for his birthday.
then nam slept over, but he left early in the morning because he had work, he was still late for work.
i stayed home from school to write my paper.
thennn. guess what? NAM COMES BACK TO OAK HARBOR TO SEE ME. and he wanted to break--that might be the better reason. we go to the bbarn. and even krst's ass was there. hahaha. it was nice. after kickin' it with the girls and the guys doing there thing. roan gretina, krst, carlo, nam and i went to tokyo stop since i was hardcore craving rice. after tokyo stop, we dropped krst off to her car, then nam and i went home. we kicked it outside in the car for a few good hours. no joke. then KRST comes to kick it with us, so we watch a movie in the car..but we PASS out for like an hour. we woke up and it was like midnight. now, these bitches need to drive home, so we wake up slowly, and in pain because we were tired and i had to do a lab the next day (which was technically the same day). they left, i was sad.
i had four hours of straight up anthropology. it's all good. lab sucked--like always. AND i'm learning the same shit over and over in my anthropology classes. which is a good thing. i got a B on my archaeology test--perfect on my essay and extra credit.
i registered for classes. i have to go to school on tuesday and thursdays FOR ONE FUCKING HOUR. in the morning. i'm really bitter about this.
today i'm going to write and study for archy and french. i think nam wants to come again =]. michael is coming too. but i can't go out to play unless i finish my shits. it's a pretty day. so i hope nam comes. it's nice seeing him everyday. --i can't wait for this weekend, nam.
i missed my shows, which suck completely, but i'll get a chance to watch it soon
oh yeah, we talked to megan. that was nice. i haven't spoken to her since like last week. i'm glad that she's caught up.
hey, everything will be alright okay? we'll make it through this. i love you guys--and don't worry, you guys were always my bestfriends.
let's just live life and PARTTTTYYYYYYY.
after i wrote that blog, nam picked me up at dugula bay--and then we went to the Bbarn. betina and joan were there. nam wasn't dressed to dance, but he did anyway. "dammmnnnn namm!". after that, nam and i went to get some mcdonalds, then met gretina and roan (IT WILL STAY ROAN) at joan's house. we watched greg's break dancing dvd he got from betina for his birthday.
then nam slept over, but he left early in the morning because he had work, he was still late for work.
i stayed home from school to write my paper.
thennn. guess what? NAM COMES BACK TO OAK HARBOR TO SEE ME. and he wanted to break--that might be the better reason. we go to the bbarn. and even krst's ass was there. hahaha. it was nice. after kickin' it with the girls and the guys doing there thing. roan gretina, krst, carlo, nam and i went to tokyo stop since i was hardcore craving rice. after tokyo stop, we dropped krst off to her car, then nam and i went home. we kicked it outside in the car for a few good hours. no joke. then KRST comes to kick it with us, so we watch a movie in the car..but we PASS out for like an hour. we woke up and it was like midnight. now, these bitches need to drive home, so we wake up slowly, and in pain because we were tired and i had to do a lab the next day (which was technically the same day). they left, i was sad.
i had four hours of straight up anthropology. it's all good. lab sucked--like always. AND i'm learning the same shit over and over in my anthropology classes. which is a good thing. i got a B on my archaeology test--perfect on my essay and extra credit.
i registered for classes. i have to go to school on tuesday and thursdays FOR ONE FUCKING HOUR. in the morning. i'm really bitter about this.
today i'm going to write and study for archy and french. i think nam wants to come again =]. michael is coming too. but i can't go out to play unless i finish my shits. it's a pretty day. so i hope nam comes. it's nice seeing him everyday. --i can't wait for this weekend, nam.
i missed my shows, which suck completely, but i'll get a chance to watch it soon
oh yeah, we talked to megan. that was nice. i haven't spoken to her since like last week. i'm glad that she's caught up.
hey, everything will be alright okay? we'll make it through this. i love you guys--and don't worry, you guys were always my bestfriends.
let's just live life and PARTTTTYYYYYYY.
Monday, March 3, 2008
don't read if you don't like long blogs--or if you're too sensitive
i think i spoke too soon. i had one HELL of a weekend right? so of course the universe gives me a shitty first day of the week.
let's see the list of events that SUCKED the life out of my day today:
i haven't written about you in a really long time. i really don't care about you anymore. nor am i in love with you anymore, but please PLEASE just leave me alone. i'm not being disrespectful by dating someone else right after you. you DUMPED ME THREE MONTHS AGO. do you remember? remember you begging to LEAVE? i'm respecting myself for damn sure by making myself happy. i'm stupid for believing you when you told me you had nothing with her. SHE SLEPT OVER TWICE. one with megan, yeah sure. but you two slept together a second time. and probably a gagillion times after at her HOUSE. you're with someone else now. i don't know i don't care. we call her your girlfriend because excuse me, but have YOU FREAKIN' LOOKED AT YOUR MYSPACE AND BLOG?! i haven't so i don't know. but i know they are sanctuaries to her. what is everyone suppose to think?!?! you made a thank you list for her. SHIT I MADE YOU. you say the same things you told me. i have a bad past. i get that. everyone knows that. but i NEVER use the same shit to the same guys. we call her your girlfriend (which we rarely say because we have better things to talk about than you) because that's how you flaunt her. you aren't official but she already met your older sister. you made her SIT NEXT TO HER AT THE CONCERT. you bring her to your LITTLE SISTER'S GAME. see how that's disrespectful to me? because you knew i was going to go, you BRING HER..AND YOU SIT NEXT TO YOUR DAD. you make our friends CHOOSE SIDES. do you know what?! THEY AREN'T PICKING SIDES. they are defending their friendships with you. YOU AREN'T BEING A FRIEND TO THEM. you almost made me a shitty friend you know that? to them, they are the best things to happen to me. i would have never found friends like them if it weren't for you, i give you that, but they aren't JUST your friends anymore--THEY ARE MINEEE TOOOOOOO!!! i'm so sick of you saying their only yours. your sisters are MY FRIENDS TOO. you would make a more compelling argument if you were a better friend. you used to dog one of our friends..THE HARDEST, when she would ditch us, well hey, TAKE A LOOK IN THE MIRROR. you're rewriting history. i'm so tired of you getting on ou friends like that. they aren't doing this for me. they aren't mad at you for me, they are made at you because you aren't around anymore. you CHOOSE THEM OVER US. you choose her/them over ME.
another thing: THEY ARE HAPPY. you would be the one to ruin a happy home. i've never seen a homewrecker in the shape you've taken. she's your freakin' sister. as long as she's happy, you should freakin' LET HER BE HAPPY. and she's your really good friend. she's happy too. STOP TRYING TO BRING THEM DOWN.
if you take her away from me, i'll hate you more than anything in the entire world. because i already hate you NOW.
he was suppose to be YOUR BESTFRIEND. you don't even kick it with him. you talk to him? about what? ---yeah that's what i thought.
i don't see them as YOURS anymore. THIS CUSTODY BATTLE is fucking stupid. you need to stop being a jerk because i gave you the life you wanted. everything you dreamt of, no drama, being single (well we don't know about that now do we?), i let you go because that's what you wanted
but at the end of the fucking day, i did it for me--you fucking murdered me.
and to think i cried. spend my life with you is seriously a great APRIL FOOL'S prank.
the few things good today: i don't have french all week next week, i found big red, and nam's coming here in a few hours. to soothe me
passion videos up soon =]
let's see the list of events that SUCKED the life out of my day today:
- i only wore the outer layer of my northface, but it's RAINING and it's freakin cold. so i have to buy a sweater at the book store. well it's a crew. and it's comfy--but had to walk all the way to freakin' south campus.
- i will only have classes MWF. good right? NOT. because french is EVERYDAY. so that means TUESDAYS AND THURSDAY i'll be coming on campus for ONE HOUR of french....with ANNABELLE<--the french devil professor
- biological anthropology sucked big balls so i decided to leave
- had the first serious talk with nam. no fighting, but just some things that needed to be talked about eventually, happened.
- then i just researched all lunch. i found my shit, but i had to literally INHALE a hot pocket to make it to french on time.
- GET TO FRENCH, and then i totally forgot to relook at the material for the QUIZ. i got some right, but i bombed it.
- we have a test in french on THURSDAY
- my paper is due FRIDAY--how much do i have written? ZERO
- i have to do the entire chapter 7 in our workbook.
- ex-factor interferes..great.
i haven't written about you in a really long time. i really don't care about you anymore. nor am i in love with you anymore, but please PLEASE just leave me alone. i'm not being disrespectful by dating someone else right after you. you DUMPED ME THREE MONTHS AGO. do you remember? remember you begging to LEAVE? i'm respecting myself for damn sure by making myself happy. i'm stupid for believing you when you told me you had nothing with her. SHE SLEPT OVER TWICE. one with megan, yeah sure. but you two slept together a second time. and probably a gagillion times after at her HOUSE. you're with someone else now. i don't know i don't care. we call her your girlfriend because excuse me, but have YOU FREAKIN' LOOKED AT YOUR MYSPACE AND BLOG?! i haven't so i don't know. but i know they are sanctuaries to her. what is everyone suppose to think?!?! you made a thank you list for her. SHIT I MADE YOU. you say the same things you told me. i have a bad past. i get that. everyone knows that. but i NEVER use the same shit to the same guys. we call her your girlfriend (which we rarely say because we have better things to talk about than you) because that's how you flaunt her. you aren't official but she already met your older sister. you made her SIT NEXT TO HER AT THE CONCERT. you bring her to your LITTLE SISTER'S GAME. see how that's disrespectful to me? because you knew i was going to go, you BRING HER..AND YOU SIT NEXT TO YOUR DAD. you make our friends CHOOSE SIDES. do you know what?! THEY AREN'T PICKING SIDES. they are defending their friendships with you. YOU AREN'T BEING A FRIEND TO THEM. you almost made me a shitty friend you know that? to them, they are the best things to happen to me. i would have never found friends like them if it weren't for you, i give you that, but they aren't JUST your friends anymore--THEY ARE MINEEE TOOOOOOO!!! i'm so sick of you saying their only yours. your sisters are MY FRIENDS TOO. you would make a more compelling argument if you were a better friend. you used to dog one of our friends..THE HARDEST, when she would ditch us, well hey, TAKE A LOOK IN THE MIRROR. you're rewriting history. i'm so tired of you getting on ou friends like that. they aren't doing this for me. they aren't mad at you for me, they are made at you because you aren't around anymore. you CHOOSE THEM OVER US. you choose her/them over ME.
another thing: THEY ARE HAPPY. you would be the one to ruin a happy home. i've never seen a homewrecker in the shape you've taken. she's your freakin' sister. as long as she's happy, you should freakin' LET HER BE HAPPY. and she's your really good friend. she's happy too. STOP TRYING TO BRING THEM DOWN.
if you take her away from me, i'll hate you more than anything in the entire world. because i already hate you NOW.
he was suppose to be YOUR BESTFRIEND. you don't even kick it with him. you talk to him? about what? ---yeah that's what i thought.
i don't see them as YOURS anymore. THIS CUSTODY BATTLE is fucking stupid. you need to stop being a jerk because i gave you the life you wanted. everything you dreamt of, no drama, being single (well we don't know about that now do we?), i let you go because that's what you wanted
but at the end of the fucking day, i did it for me--you fucking murdered me.
and to think i cried. spend my life with you is seriously a great APRIL FOOL'S prank.
the few things good today: i don't have french all week next week, i found big red, and nam's coming here in a few hours. to soothe me
passion videos up soon =]
Sunday, March 2, 2008
the end to a PERFECT weekend.
basically consisted of hanging out with my bfs (except betina) and boyfriend. it was amazing.--in seattle and oak harbor.
so today. me and nam stayed in all morning. we got ready because michael krst and cheyenne were coming to pick us up.
there's no effin' food at my house, so nam and i were freakin' HUNGRRRYYYY. and it turns out that krst and cheyenne were just as hungry.
so we finally decided to go to applebees because it was the only place that'll satisfy everyone's lent thingys. and we had jorgi has our waitress.. WHOO.
avril met up with us :). i haven't seen her in so long and it's so much funny when her and michael are together. i love it.
then we decided to go where somewhere.. where else would we go in oak harbor, but WALMART. hahaha. we meet joan there =].
so basically it was a WOD of people in walmart. hahaha.
then joan was freakin' hungry so everyone but michael goes to mcdonalds, good laughs there. i felt back because nam was the only guy there, but he didn't seem to mind. then we pick him back up to kick it at DQ until the movie started. he already seen it so he didn't wanna watch it. lots of good laughs in DQ i must say. it was pretty awesome kickin' it with bfs and boyfriend for like two hours. krst cheyenne and michael bounce. so joan april nam and i watch Semi-Pro. that movie was actually really funny. i'm glad we watched it since the original plan was the other boelyn girl. that's okay. some other time i assume.
we get out. and we meet up with krst and cheyenne, but they had errands to run. so joan nam and i go to mikey's house. i've officially decided that this is a small ass world. nam knows a lot of people in OH and lots of people know him from here. it's funny.. he even recognized randy. i'm excited to go to 360 because joan is going =] and i'm glad i'll have a girlfriend around.
krst and michael pick me and nam up from mikey's. we say bye to joan. yayyy. then we head home. so krst decides to drive with her gas light on. TYPICAL KRST. so we had to fill jimmy up. oh geezus.
they drive me home to drop me off. i officially decided that my ENTIRE life was in that car. freakin' LEAVING ME. that was the saddest time i had all weekend. was that my friends and boyfriend were leaving me. and i'm glad that nam left with my friends because i'm really happy that we're hanging out. if my friends didn't like him i wouldn't know what to do. we'd have a LC/HEIDI situation. and i wouldn't want that.
i appreciate my friends so much more now. happiness has seriously brought me back to myself. i'm louder and laughing more. that's who i am. i think positively and i want to kick it all the time. i love my life. and thank you for being THEE best addition to my life. i need you. i have never been treated so well before nor have i felt this satisfied in awhile. i can tell this is the start of a beautiful relationship..eight three one my dear
i love these drama-free weekends with my bfs and boyfriend. i got 1 on 1 time with nam @ palisade and at the concert i got to kick it with my bfs. and i got all of them all day today. what more can i ask for?
my life is starting to look like my tattoo.
more and more everyday.
basically consisted of hanging out with my bfs (except betina) and boyfriend. it was amazing.--in seattle and oak harbor.
so today. me and nam stayed in all morning. we got ready because michael krst and cheyenne were coming to pick us up.
there's no effin' food at my house, so nam and i were freakin' HUNGRRRYYYY. and it turns out that krst and cheyenne were just as hungry.
so we finally decided to go to applebees because it was the only place that'll satisfy everyone's lent thingys. and we had jorgi has our waitress.. WHOO.
avril met up with us :). i haven't seen her in so long and it's so much funny when her and michael are together. i love it.
then we decided to go where somewhere.. where else would we go in oak harbor, but WALMART. hahaha. we meet joan there =].
so basically it was a WOD of people in walmart. hahaha.
then joan was freakin' hungry so everyone but michael goes to mcdonalds, good laughs there. i felt back because nam was the only guy there, but he didn't seem to mind. then we pick him back up to kick it at DQ until the movie started. he already seen it so he didn't wanna watch it. lots of good laughs in DQ i must say. it was pretty awesome kickin' it with bfs and boyfriend for like two hours. krst cheyenne and michael bounce. so joan april nam and i watch Semi-Pro. that movie was actually really funny. i'm glad we watched it since the original plan was the other boelyn girl. that's okay. some other time i assume.
we get out. and we meet up with krst and cheyenne, but they had errands to run. so joan nam and i go to mikey's house. i've officially decided that this is a small ass world. nam knows a lot of people in OH and lots of people know him from here. it's funny.. he even recognized randy. i'm excited to go to 360 because joan is going =] and i'm glad i'll have a girlfriend around.
krst and michael pick me and nam up from mikey's. we say bye to joan. yayyy. then we head home. so krst decides to drive with her gas light on. TYPICAL KRST. so we had to fill jimmy up. oh geezus.
they drive me home to drop me off. i officially decided that my ENTIRE life was in that car. freakin' LEAVING ME. that was the saddest time i had all weekend. was that my friends and boyfriend were leaving me. and i'm glad that nam left with my friends because i'm really happy that we're hanging out. if my friends didn't like him i wouldn't know what to do. we'd have a LC/HEIDI situation. and i wouldn't want that.
i appreciate my friends so much more now. happiness has seriously brought me back to myself. i'm louder and laughing more. that's who i am. i think positively and i want to kick it all the time. i love my life. and thank you for being THEE best addition to my life. i need you. i have never been treated so well before nor have i felt this satisfied in awhile. i can tell this is the start of a beautiful relationship..eight three one my dear
i love these drama-free weekends with my bfs and boyfriend. i got 1 on 1 time with nam @ palisade and at the concert i got to kick it with my bfs. and i got all of them all day today. what more can i ask for?
my life is starting to look like my tattoo.
more and more everyday.
"then BAM..BAM BAM"
so it's definitely like 3:11 am. how amazing is that right?-- you guys must think i'm crazy writing this early in the morning, but there's a simple explanation. i just got home, and i'm pretty sure i was threaten to post. awesome. i love my friends.
anywaysss.. friday i went to class. it was raining like a BIOTCH. went to marysville to meet up with my mans...
friday night. THEE best dinner date ever. palisade and "i love you jacquelyn" card with rose peddles. it was great food with a great view. thanks nam for the surprise
went home after that to just watch movies n stuff. and then we knocked out.
THE NEXT DAY--i'm so stoked to be kickin' it with my friends, but effin' krst's ass is 'stuck' (for lack of BETTER AND APPROPRIATE words) in OH. so we don't see each other until later in the 5 o'clock hour.--obviously you know who's pissed. michael.
before that, nam and i went to eat at red robin and shop a little bit. we were about to buy me some shoes, but they didn't have it in my size. amazing right? whatever. i'm going to get those shoes one way or the other.
so michael is pissed. we have to kiss some SERIOUS ass. krst and i come over super enthused, but i wasn't greeted with the best welcome, but it was everything i expected.
we head to passion. FREAKIN' AMAZING concert. the opening acts were awesome. and this bridget girl was AMAZING. and passion of course, had me at a lost for words.
btw--i love you jeremy for doing the duet.. WHY THAT ONE? but moving on...
afterwards krst michael and i go to marysville to pick up nam because we asked him to come to OH with us. we pick up Nam--at this time, the three of us are malnourished we needed to get some food in our stomachs AT THAT MOMENT or we would have seriously died from lack of protein, vitamin, fat...EVERYTHING. so the four of us went to denny's in mt. vernon. that was funny. i'm glad my friends really get a long with nam--i mean me and my friends are EFFIN' hilarious. i don't know who wouldn't like us. hahaha.
so we left there. and now me and nam are at my housee. while i blog, he sleeps. nice. hahaha. he had work this morning at both jobs, so i understand.
well that's about it. great laughs at denny's. i love life as WE speak. thank you all. and have a great fucking day.
thank you for getting along with my friends. they love that you're great to me. and they are the loves of my life-- thank you for being everything. i've wanted and more.
eight three one
anywaysss.. friday i went to class. it was raining like a BIOTCH. went to marysville to meet up with my mans...
friday night. THEE best dinner date ever. palisade and "i love you jacquelyn" card with rose peddles. it was great food with a great view. thanks nam for the surprise
went home after that to just watch movies n stuff. and then we knocked out.
THE NEXT DAY--i'm so stoked to be kickin' it with my friends, but effin' krst's ass is 'stuck' (for lack of BETTER AND APPROPRIATE words) in OH. so we don't see each other until later in the 5 o'clock hour.--obviously you know who's pissed. michael.
before that, nam and i went to eat at red robin and shop a little bit. we were about to buy me some shoes, but they didn't have it in my size. amazing right? whatever. i'm going to get those shoes one way or the other.
so michael is pissed. we have to kiss some SERIOUS ass. krst and i come over super enthused, but i wasn't greeted with the best welcome, but it was everything i expected.
we head to passion. FREAKIN' AMAZING concert. the opening acts were awesome. and this bridget girl was AMAZING. and passion of course, had me at a lost for words.
btw--i love you jeremy for doing the duet.. WHY THAT ONE? but moving on...
afterwards krst michael and i go to marysville to pick up nam because we asked him to come to OH with us. we pick up Nam--at this time, the three of us are malnourished we needed to get some food in our stomachs AT THAT MOMENT or we would have seriously died from lack of protein, vitamin, fat...EVERYTHING. so the four of us went to denny's in mt. vernon. that was funny. i'm glad my friends really get a long with nam--i mean me and my friends are EFFIN' hilarious. i don't know who wouldn't like us. hahaha.
so we left there. and now me and nam are at my housee. while i blog, he sleeps. nice. hahaha. he had work this morning at both jobs, so i understand.
well that's about it. great laughs at denny's. i love life as WE speak. thank you all. and have a great fucking day.
thank you for getting along with my friends. they love that you're great to me. and they are the loves of my life-- thank you for being everything. i've wanted and more.
eight three one
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