Wednesday, February 20, 2008


hello everyone =]

for the people that actually read my blog, i'm sorry i didn't leave you guys much this morning, but it's the morning, and i'm sure you understand. and by readers, i mean the people that i already know what the fuck i did that day. muahaha. okay here goes.

yesterday: it was a great day because i had fun at school, even though i didn't see too much people, but i did alan =] went to marysville for the game. went to walmart XD XD XD XD XD XD

today. i had a forensic lab today. measuring ape and human bones, what do you know about that?!?! hahaha. got done with lab fairly early. i didn't go swimming today. sorry chris :( i had to study for my bio test that's tomorrow so i did that during lunch by myself today, but raf alan judd hikari tj and preeya came to save me from being bored. french was so fucking boring and horrible, but i love my french class friends. "MERD" hahahaha

btw my archaeology professor is such a prick. today we talked about genderizing specimens or something, and he kept talking about women were "nurturing" and "giving" because of biology, because we are naturally made up this way. EXCUSE ME. you have to be out of your god damn mind to think that. i'm pretty sure cultures influence that almost 98% of the time. it's not our physiological make up that makes up "nurturing" i'm pretty sure it's only because society inflicts that upon us. i hate that. i almost screamed in class. but the people in my row heard me. and agreed. i don't even know if my professor was being sarcastic or not.. whatever.

like i had mentioned earlier, i have a biological anthropology test that i should be studying for right now, but i wanted to blog.
and listen to some music. and myspace. and facebook and justjared and perezhilton. i should also register for conference, so basically i just wanted to stall. haha

i'm excited for tomorrow with the exception of that. i can't wait =]

but on a more serious note,
do you hear the song on my blogspot. well if you don't. click play. if it doesn't work, search the lyrics because the lyrics are sooo perfect for us.
its by our main man brian mcknight. it's called again. how awesome that the guy who started us with every beat of my heart is ending us too.
also please refer back to my valentine's day post about us being FINI because i don't wanna retype that.

i'm sorry shit is going down this way. i really wanted us to work, but now my heart is expired i can't go on anymore. i'm damaged goods.
but that's alright, i'm just a statistic right? bye for good.

for you, thank you for promising me that i'll never feel like this again.

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