that's an ultimate low for you.
step the FUCK back.
Friday, May 30, 2008
SATC; nam with spiders, criminal minds, and smelly keele keeles
seriously, enough said. MAY 30TH. SAVE THE DATE.
i can't believe the movie made it. i'm so excited. and best of all i watch it with BFs tonight.
i decided not to make it one of the parts, but a little interlude.
so my beautiful boyfriend and i were sitting on the bed. i brought the laptop on the bed because i was doing homework. i was busy at work and then all of a sudden, i hear nam slam the bed and yell, "OH SHIT, DON'T LOOK DON'T LOOK!!"
but of course, i turn around (he was sitting behind me, leaning on the wall while i was almost at the foot of the bed) and look. but nam jolted out of our bed with his hand in a fist, running to the bathroom and then i hear the toilet flush. i'm like "what the hell is this little vietnamese boy doing?!"--but i say ..
jg: "NAM, WHAT IS IT?!"
nm: "...nothing, don't worry about it babe, just do your homework"
jg: "how am i suppose to forget that scream you did?"
nm: "..dn't get scared, but ther ewas a big FAST spider on the bed"
jg: *silence*.." how big?"
nm: [makes his pointer finger and thumb into a circle, like a dollar coin] this big.
jg: *gasp* "it was katana wasn't it?!*
nm: *nods*
so i guess that slam on the bed was nam grabbing the spider on the bed before it could run away... you can see why his hand was in a fist now huh? EWWW... the toilet flushing was katana's grave site.
but what was epic was what nam said to me after: "the spider was fucking fast, but i was faster"
--please note, that he made a comment earlier about him being the king of jungle, some shit like that. so i crack up.
he said something else irrelevant to this topic. well.. we were watching CSI, and it was a commerical saying what was on next. it was going to be the show, Criminal Minds. this is what he said:
nm: "OH CRIMINAL MINDS!!...... [in a softer voice]. they just DON'T know"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL. if you knew who nam was, you would be cracking up too.
i ran out of deodorant..well not really i forgot the damn thing in florida, so i've been out of deodorant since sunday night. and my loving boyfriend says i should just use his. and i'm like sure, i love the way you smell so why not?
"there is no better smell than the smell of the man you love"
then wednesday comes around, and i go to school. wednesday is my long day so i'm running around. i stop and i could smell a boy. i'm like OMG. it smells like nam! i miss him. awwwwww...
but i stop in the computer lab and take my jacket off. and FUCK, THAT BOY IS ME!.
time to text nam: "let's get deodorant, i dont wanna smell like boy anymore."
have a good weekend everyone. i know i will =] DEADWEEK AND FINALS. I CAN'T WAIT.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
here's some anthropological food for thought.
i have a question. we were having a pretty heated conversation in my anthropology class about a situation:
as an observer, and you were studying the use of heroine. one of the people you were observing left the needle in bleach for 20 seconds, but the needle needs to stay in there for 60 minutes to kill the virus (to prevent HIV AND AIDS). as a human, do you tell the participant to leave it in a little bit longer? or do you keep your mouth shut as an observer?
i know a lot of you guys might not know what i'm talking about.
but it's down to you as a human, or down to you as an observer.
tell me what you think.
as an observer, and you were studying the use of heroine. one of the people you were observing left the needle in bleach for 20 seconds, but the needle needs to stay in there for 60 minutes to kill the virus (to prevent HIV AND AIDS). as a human, do you tell the participant to leave it in a little bit longer? or do you keep your mouth shut as an observer?
i know a lot of you guys might not know what i'm talking about.
but it's down to you as a human, or down to you as an observer.
tell me what you think.
ramiele freakin looked like me more than ever, on the finale.
in the words of my grandmother (in a fob accent)
"YOU LOOK LIKE MALUBAY"-- when i go to the AI concert, i'm going to have a shirt that says "I LOOK LIKE MALUBAY"
hahaha. youtube it.
in the words of my grandmother (in a fob accent)
"YOU LOOK LIKE MALUBAY"-- when i go to the AI concert, i'm going to have a shirt that says "I LOOK LIKE MALUBAY"
hahaha. youtube it.
i ain't sayin' she a...

i finally got time to get out of my schedule to write you wonderful people =]. i just got back from florida and the make up from school is kicking my ass like no other. but i have good news--.. i'm still marysville baby =] but it's also bad because i won't be with the girls, which is fine because i'm sure we'll be going up more since school is done in like two weeks =]
i get done officially on june 12th-- damn i'm so excited.
but what does school look like for me:
- french paper AND presentation
- french TEST
- participation observation exercise and funding exercise
- three finals.
my florida vacation wasn't much a vacation, but it was nice to get out of washington. BTW, i was first class baby with some crazy ass turbulance.
i think i wanna buy nam and i tickets for california. we'll see how he feels about this =]
jennifer is moving in with us. it's nice to have another girl in the house. krst left to OH already, so she missed out.
i know this post is WHACCKKKK, but i don't have anything exciting to talk about because it's just been florida, and school.
i havent' seen any of my friends because they're whack. hahah jk jk. i think we're going to OH thursday hopefully. nam and i dont really have a car soooo it's hard to get anywhere, but we'll see what's up. =]
big ups to krst for pulling through these past few days
okay everyonee i need to go work on my observation exercise for anthro.
i finally got time to get out of my schedule to write you wonderful people =]. i just got back from florida and the make up from school is kicking my ass like no other. but i have good news--.. i'm still marysville baby =] but it's also bad because i won't be with the girls, which is fine because i'm sure we'll be going up more since school is done in like two weeks =]
i get done officially on june 12th-- damn i'm so excited.
but what does school look like for me:
- french paper AND presentation
- french TEST
- participation observation exercise and funding exercise
- three finals.
my florida vacation wasn't much a vacation, but it was nice to get out of washington. BTW, i was first class baby with some crazy ass turbulance.
i think i wanna buy nam and i tickets for california. we'll see how he feels about this =]
jennifer is moving in with us. it's nice to have another girl in the house. krst left to OH already, so she missed out.
i know this post is WHACCKKKK, but i don't have anything exciting to talk about because it's just been florida, and school.
i havent' seen any of my friends because they're whack. hahah jk jk. i think we're going to OH thursday hopefully. nam and i dont really have a car soooo it's hard to get anywhere, but we'll see what's up. =]
big ups to krst for pulling through these past few days
okay everyonee i need to go work on my observation exercise for anthro.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
florida-bound and my apparent shyness?
guess wher e i'm going tonight? florida. but jacksonsville, which i dont think qualitifies to be the ideal florida experience, but hey. it's cool. i'll get to see MASSIVE FAMILY. my baby brother is there. all my mom's family, except my parents and baby sister. they're the only ones missing, which sucks. all my cousins are going though and i'm so EXCITED. =]. i can't wait to dress cute and get out of this damn weather, into more nasty humid (but sunny) weather. i packed last night.. in ONE small suitcase. that's big ups to jackie.
but the biggest turn off to all this, is that it's still in the middle of school, so i'll be having to bring some homework to florida. i'm going to try to do my homework on the plane, but that doesn't look like it'll happen because my flight is at night. i have a paper to write for french, a study guide for french, alsoooo create a focus group prompt for anthro. lammee (thumbs downnnnn)
so today i spoke with my professor about my shyness in class (and about make up plans concerning florida).. and she was suprrised that i was this loud and talkative when you really get to know me. i hate that i've been shy in my classes, because i always have so much to say, but i don't. i'm not scared. i dont know, i feel like i'm concentrating more. i don't know. but hey, i vent and analyze my classes to you guys, so i'm not necessairly putting my thoughts to waste. i'll start talking...for the last three weeks?
some other news, nam and i have decided it'd be good for me to move to oak harbor. and NO not because a failing relationship, but because i feel bad commuting while i live with him. so i'm living in OH until school's over. but he'll be over just like beforeeee.. when 831 was around.
krst and i hung out all yesterday. we watched the orphange. SUCH A GREAT MOVIE. this isn't a place to come for ratings like lots of other personal blogs, but i loved it. it was fucking scary, but a good scary. i love hanging out with krst =]. i also hung out with joan and betina in OH. with namm and the guys. michael wasn't there, which was sad because i miss him. KRST is STILL at our house. hahahha. eating our damn food. hahah jk jk. see you at home krst.
we also rented paris je t'aime. and shooter. i have to watch shooter. because of nammmm =] i already wanted to watch it a lot before i mean, who wouldn't wanna watch sexy marky mark shooting guns? .
speaking of my nam, i bought him a BMX bike from kuya randy. it seems like he's very excited, but he's convinced that i bought it so he won't be distracted by the fact that i'm gone. it's only til sunday night babe, i'll see you sunday night.
god. i smell like deodorant. well at least i know it's working. i've been all over the damn place today. school is really killing this florida experience. but i'm getting excited...except the plane.
you know what's whack? i've basically lived on planes all my life, anddd.. i'm still scared. last year, i went on like 14 planes. and i'm still scared. i hate planes.
well i'll try to update in FLORIDDAAAA.. aka the 904? hahah whatever. see you guys in the sunshine state
Monday, May 19, 2008
it's my blog and i'll blog if i want to.
.. this is just a disclosure to people who want to read my blog. COME READ MY BLOG, but please recognize i don't apologize for anything i write. you came HERE.
it's like when someone calls you from an unknown phone number and THEY ask "who's this?!"
son, you called MY phone. that's how i feel. so i would appreciate it if people could respect what i write and please stop telling me what to write and especially NOT write.
has it ever occurred to you, that's the reason why the internet isn't privatized? it gives you the freedom to WRITE WHATEVER you want. yes of course you can also READ whatever you want, but don't attack me about my lit.
i write what i like. don't come here if you're not happy.. honesty i dont care if you come here UNHAPPY, because this blog isn't FOR you personally.
i never tell people what to write in their blogs. you see those people on the right? i read THEIR blogs, and i never tell them what to write. but if you seriously leave me a comment, or send me a text message, or myspace message about what NOT to write.. seriously, don't come here anymore.
i don't care of the number of views i get, because like i said, it isn't for you guys. it's for me.
i love my readers and the people who accept me for who i am.-- and on that note, i know who my friends are. even if they "talk shit" about me... i'd probably already heard it from them, or i just don't care.
for the people who don't know me and judge me off what you think you know, ..if you care, holler. i'll probably let you know. seeing that i'm not the most private person, i'll tell you what's up. BUT if you ask me to MOCK me, then you'll just get an "okay bye" from me.
and all honesty, i love haters, why do you think i get that much profile views? hahaha. thanks.
i'm not trying to sound like a bitch, i'm practicing my right. as a frequent internet user and blog poster, and a devoted person, to MYSELF.
it's like when someone calls you from an unknown phone number and THEY ask "who's this?!"
son, you called MY phone. that's how i feel. so i would appreciate it if people could respect what i write and please stop telling me what to write and especially NOT write.
has it ever occurred to you, that's the reason why the internet isn't privatized? it gives you the freedom to WRITE WHATEVER you want. yes of course you can also READ whatever you want, but don't attack me about my lit.
i write what i like. don't come here if you're not happy.. honesty i dont care if you come here UNHAPPY, because this blog isn't FOR you personally.
i never tell people what to write in their blogs. you see those people on the right? i read THEIR blogs, and i never tell them what to write. but if you seriously leave me a comment, or send me a text message, or myspace message about what NOT to write.. seriously, don't come here anymore.
i don't care of the number of views i get, because like i said, it isn't for you guys. it's for me.
i love my readers and the people who accept me for who i am.-- and on that note, i know who my friends are. even if they "talk shit" about me... i'd probably already heard it from them, or i just don't care.
for the people who don't know me and judge me off what you think you know, ..if you care, holler. i'll probably let you know. seeing that i'm not the most private person, i'll tell you what's up. BUT if you ask me to MOCK me, then you'll just get an "okay bye" from me.
and all honesty, i love haters, why do you think i get that much profile views? hahaha. thanks.
i'm not trying to sound like a bitch, i'm practicing my right. as a frequent internet user and blog poster, and a devoted person, to MYSELF.
spiders part 2
if you are an avid reader of this blog, you'll see that this is the sequel to the first spiders blog.
or obviously enough, you can scroll down and look for the bad boy.
after my little episode of spiders, stupidly enough i thought i was safe forever. until two days ago....
nam and i wanted to go somewhere since the weather was super gorg this weekend, so i'm going to wash my face (since taking a shower and wetting my hair would be redundant considering the fact that its sunny. so what does sun + nam mai equal? Jacquelyn underneath another effing helmet.) i open the shower curtain to grab my face wash. then....BAM. another MOTHERFUCKING spider.
evidently, i scream. pretty damn loud that nam runs over and asks what happened. if you've seen the movie She's The Man with Channing Tatum and Amanda Bynes, when the jump on the bed when the rat or spider is in their room.. that's how i was like...but all up on the dryer (which is dumb considering that the dryer is about my height). nam comes and swoops the thing. i think we decided to name this one richard? anyway...
so last night, we come back from another exciting day of riding. i go into our room to grab my laptop because i had masses of homework to push. i look on the floor.. and i thought it was a little "tumble weed" of hair (girls i know you know what those look like).. and i'm thinking "damn for me having some short hair, that's a lot of fucking hair" was HUGEEEE. at this point, i'm thinking i really should just cut my hair again and forget growing it out if our place looks like this.... i look closer and WHAT IS IT?!?!
A SPIDER. A HUGE SPIDER. QUEEN OF ALL SPIDERS. (i dub her a female because it's a bitch).
i SCREAM. ridiculously loud. then i run upstairs to demand that my hero save me. but what is he doing?!...HE'S POOING. i'm pissed off now because the spiders ALWAYS come after ME. nam never sees them, only because i'm screaming and telling him to kill it.
i sit on the bed, super nervous. i'm hugging my legs at this point because in all honesty, i'm pretty tired of these spiders. and i'm starting to (if not obvious already) develop a mild case of arachnophobia..
i look at the spider, and it isn't moving. it's just a foot from our bed. i have the courage to open my laptop (even if the laptop is already on the bed, i'm scared to move because it might draw attention to me--which i love in MOST CASES).. i look at it again to make sure it's there.. because i hear nam coming downstairs to save me. it's still there. i go back to my computer...
nam walks through the door. and i scream "THERE IS IS!!" i point on the ground...
are YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!??! nam already thinks i'm crazy about this spider ordeal. i hate spiders. officially.
so. it's gone. around our room. i'm scared to even sleep. god knows where katana (that's the spider's name. i named it after the girl in mortal combat, take that bitch) will be.
or obviously enough, you can scroll down and look for the bad boy.
after my little episode of spiders, stupidly enough i thought i was safe forever. until two days ago....
nam and i wanted to go somewhere since the weather was super gorg this weekend, so i'm going to wash my face (since taking a shower and wetting my hair would be redundant considering the fact that its sunny. so what does sun + nam mai equal? Jacquelyn underneath another effing helmet.) i open the shower curtain to grab my face wash. then....BAM. another MOTHERFUCKING spider.
evidently, i scream. pretty damn loud that nam runs over and asks what happened. if you've seen the movie She's The Man with Channing Tatum and Amanda Bynes, when the jump on the bed when the rat or spider is in their room.. that's how i was like...but all up on the dryer (which is dumb considering that the dryer is about my height). nam comes and swoops the thing. i think we decided to name this one richard? anyway...
so last night, we come back from another exciting day of riding. i go into our room to grab my laptop because i had masses of homework to push. i look on the floor.. and i thought it was a little "tumble weed" of hair (girls i know you know what those look like).. and i'm thinking "damn for me having some short hair, that's a lot of fucking hair" was HUGEEEE. at this point, i'm thinking i really should just cut my hair again and forget growing it out if our place looks like this.... i look closer and WHAT IS IT?!?!
A SPIDER. A HUGE SPIDER. QUEEN OF ALL SPIDERS. (i dub her a female because it's a bitch).
i SCREAM. ridiculously loud. then i run upstairs to demand that my hero save me. but what is he doing?!...HE'S POOING. i'm pissed off now because the spiders ALWAYS come after ME. nam never sees them, only because i'm screaming and telling him to kill it.
i sit on the bed, super nervous. i'm hugging my legs at this point because in all honesty, i'm pretty tired of these spiders. and i'm starting to (if not obvious already) develop a mild case of arachnophobia..
i look at the spider, and it isn't moving. it's just a foot from our bed. i have the courage to open my laptop (even if the laptop is already on the bed, i'm scared to move because it might draw attention to me--which i love in MOST CASES).. i look at it again to make sure it's there.. because i hear nam coming downstairs to save me. it's still there. i go back to my computer...
nam walks through the door. and i scream "THERE IS IS!!" i point on the ground...
are YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!??! nam already thinks i'm crazy about this spider ordeal. i hate spiders. officially.
so. it's gone. around our room. i'm scared to even sleep. god knows where katana (that's the spider's name. i named it after the girl in mortal combat, take that bitch) will be.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
there's two kinds of love...
that i've experienced these past few days. (now you know that this blog is going to be long, since i've been one consistent love sap lately)
the first love:
i promised these two that'd i would "ode"-ed 'em up.

to krst and michael-- let me first start off by saying i havent been this happy in a very very long time. but yesterday and today were unfortunately LOW days, but if it wasn't for you guys saving me (even though you guys have done it so much in the past), i would've died somewhere. thank you krst for doing all you did for me yesterday, from picking me up and having all of my shit in your car. i know i was sluffin waiting for nam to make up his mind, but thank you for being so supportive and even though you try to give it to me straight, you always tell me what i want. i really appreciate everything you do, even if it doesn't seem like it. i'm not one to take someone for granted, and you're definitely one of those people. i know we've had our ups and downs, but since all that, i'm glad we've matured to the great friendship we have now. thank you for saving my ass in OH. i can't wait til you move in. michael, if anyone is on my side, IT'S YOU. even if i'm the stupidest person around, you'll always have my back. though you joke around about you know who, i know you don't mean it. we've gone through a lot to, but now i'm myself. you don't have to worry about fighting. you always ALWAYS have my back. and the one thing i can say about you, and it's why you stay my bestfriend, is that i can be myself around you. i can talk fast.. and say whatever.. and you listen to me. i've noticed that. when people say i talk fast. i respond with "well you listen slow".. that's not you. you accept me for who i am. and i think that's the greatest achievement in a friendship. you are truly the definition of a true friend.
i love you both very much
--i know you guys complain all the time, especially about pulling through for one of your friends, you guys always do it. with complains, but also with love. i love you both.
disclsure: i love all my other friends, but this is just for them today :). i know you guys always pull through for me, joan, betina, megan, cheyenne, and alan--but you knowww..
the second love:

when you turned over to tell me that i had to move out, out of nowhere, made my heart drop in places i can't explain. it was the first time i've hit something while i was mad. we rarely fight so this comes out of nowhere.
thank you for explaining to me the situation. this is seriously making my heart hurt, but because of all the things have has been happening, i've fallen so much more in love with you. i have known a love like this. even though things are turning for the worst in your life, i feel us getting stronger. thank you for visiting me like four/five times, even went to Seattle to see me.
i think you're right. no one can ever love me like you can. and i know that no one can love you like i can. this is the best love. i've ever experienced one like this. please promises mean everything to me. i'm sorry i accused you of that, i shouldn't have said you were selfish because you aren't.
thank you, my sweetheart. for everything i've ever hoped for.
the first love:
i promised these two that'd i would "ode"-ed 'em up.
to krst and michael-- let me first start off by saying i havent been this happy in a very very long time. but yesterday and today were unfortunately LOW days, but if it wasn't for you guys saving me (even though you guys have done it so much in the past), i would've died somewhere. thank you krst for doing all you did for me yesterday, from picking me up and having all of my shit in your car. i know i was sluffin waiting for nam to make up his mind, but thank you for being so supportive and even though you try to give it to me straight, you always tell me what i want. i really appreciate everything you do, even if it doesn't seem like it. i'm not one to take someone for granted, and you're definitely one of those people. i know we've had our ups and downs, but since all that, i'm glad we've matured to the great friendship we have now. thank you for saving my ass in OH. i can't wait til you move in. michael, if anyone is on my side, IT'S YOU. even if i'm the stupidest person around, you'll always have my back. though you joke around about you know who, i know you don't mean it. we've gone through a lot to, but now i'm myself. you don't have to worry about fighting. you always ALWAYS have my back. and the one thing i can say about you, and it's why you stay my bestfriend, is that i can be myself around you. i can talk fast.. and say whatever.. and you listen to me. i've noticed that. when people say i talk fast. i respond with "well you listen slow".. that's not you. you accept me for who i am. and i think that's the greatest achievement in a friendship. you are truly the definition of a true friend.
i love you both very much
--i know you guys complain all the time, especially about pulling through for one of your friends, you guys always do it. with complains, but also with love. i love you both.
disclsure: i love all my other friends, but this is just for them today :). i know you guys always pull through for me, joan, betina, megan, cheyenne, and alan--but you knowww..
the second love:
when you turned over to tell me that i had to move out, out of nowhere, made my heart drop in places i can't explain. it was the first time i've hit something while i was mad. we rarely fight so this comes out of nowhere.
thank you for explaining to me the situation. this is seriously making my heart hurt, but because of all the things have has been happening, i've fallen so much more in love with you. i have known a love like this. even though things are turning for the worst in your life, i feel us getting stronger. thank you for visiting me like four/five times, even went to Seattle to see me.
i think you're right. no one can ever love me like you can. and i know that no one can love you like i can. this is the best love. i've ever experienced one like this. please promises mean everything to me. i'm sorry i accused you of that, i shouldn't have said you were selfish because you aren't.
thank you, my sweetheart. for everything i've ever hoped for.
Monday, May 12, 2008
seriously more?
i forgot to write about my motherless mother's day (considering all the other events that happened).
this is the third year in a row that i wasn't with my mom. i don't remember the last time i spent it with her. i'm assuming it was senior year? that's crazy because that was such a long time ago. unfortunately, i cried again. i woke up crying to call my mommy--she thought something else was wrong, but in all honesty, i really really really miss her. everyone gets to kick it with their moms and what not. while i just talk to my mommy on the phone.
that's why i love my boyfriend so much--for dropping me off in seattle so i can kick it with my friends who didn't have mom's.
i love my friends for being so supportive of all the things that i do. and say even. (though, i should recognize that they don't listen to me, they love my blogs, that's why i have them so extensive.)
i appreciate everything anyone in my life has done for me.
---it's a monday..and i have so much shit to do. i have two interviews to conduct AND analyze. i have a study guide to prepare. for friday.
alll in all. when i get home, i'm going to do my homework (and NOT WATCH REBA), and do laundry. i'm going to have another one of those push-your-ass-to-the-limits kind of work days. i really wanna get this done. because i need to do those damn interviews. and love my baby on thursday. shout out's to cheytee and the big three.
but you know what's best for doing my homework so early? ONE TREE HILL TONIGHT. and sexy time =] since i'm off the dot
this is the third year in a row that i wasn't with my mom. i don't remember the last time i spent it with her. i'm assuming it was senior year? that's crazy because that was such a long time ago. unfortunately, i cried again. i woke up crying to call my mommy--she thought something else was wrong, but in all honesty, i really really really miss her. everyone gets to kick it with their moms and what not. while i just talk to my mommy on the phone.
that's why i love my boyfriend so much--for dropping me off in seattle so i can kick it with my friends who didn't have mom's.
i love my friends for being so supportive of all the things that i do. and say even. (though, i should recognize that they don't listen to me, they love my blogs, that's why i have them so extensive.)
i appreciate everything anyone in my life has done for me.
---it's a monday..and i have so much shit to do. i have two interviews to conduct AND analyze. i have a study guide to prepare. for friday.
alll in all. when i get home, i'm going to do my homework (and NOT WATCH REBA), and do laundry. i'm going to have another one of those push-your-ass-to-the-limits kind of work days. i really wanna get this done. because i need to do those damn interviews. and love my baby on thursday. shout out's to cheytee and the big three.
but you know what's best for doing my homework so early? ONE TREE HILL TONIGHT. and sexy time =] since i'm off the dot
Sunday, May 11, 2008
all frosting and no cupcake.
i just want my wii back. i still want it back, but god it's taking so long. because he refuses to give it back because of its value to him. unfortunate for him, i don't care too much about him---but i'm saying that and the rest of this blog in the nicest way possible. i'm smiling typing this.
i talked to the ex today. holy crazy because i haven't yelled at anyone like that in so long. it was cool to see that life's treating him good because life hasn't been better for me. because fortunate enough for me, this break up was the best thing to ever happened to me (besides NOT getting the wii). i could just steal it back inspite of NOT giving my WII back, but i'm not stooping low. i think today was closure with the ex..
i realized something today. not that i haven't realized it earlier, but i don't think i can ever be back with him. i can't see me with him anymore.. the title of this post is for him. because he has a fun personality.. which is all the frosting..but no substantial boyfriend credentials. which is the cupcake. fighting with him sucks, it used to kill my mood like no other, being yelled at in public, talking so much shit about me..TO ME., being treated the way i did. all of that sucked, but i'm glad to know that he's doing well. and congratulations on your new job. 'bout time. good thing you're prospect is pointing you in directions i never could. i'm happy for you. deep down i am VERY VERY happy for you. our relationship didn't go the way we wanted. and i understand why you want to keep the wii. but you have to understand why i want it back. i do mind that you're keeping it...
francis. i could thank you so much for the fun times i've had with you, but i don't remember any of them. i just remember the first time we spoke nicely to each other. and that was today. i forgot what you looked like. i see pictures. and i remember certain landmarks aka your nose and eye brows. but i don't remember what you look like.
i'm glad we broke up--because it was the best thing we've ever done together. and i'm glad you're peaceful. and i'm glad we talked nicely today---after the yelling of course (because what's jackie and francis without yelling?). i'm sure we can be civil now. but we could never be friends like we used to be.
i miss kicking it with kuya paul/chris/daniel and all the older guys though. today they're going to watch a movie. and i used to do that. kuya paul talked to me about that today. and i used to watch your games. i'm still a huge OH fan..
...when michael drops me off i got to see nam.
honestly, today after fighting with francis, and seeing my nam, it was the best feeling in the entire world. this 'closure' i guess made me love nam that much more because even though i thought francis was the one for me, boy was i was wrong. nam has it all. he's the frosting, cupcake, and sprinkles. he's stable. he's exciting. he's supportive, and everything i wanted my boyfriend to be. he's great in bed. hahaha (just kidding...not really). i haven't been this happy in a relationship ever. this is definitely the best relationship i've been in since i could remember. he makes life and doing all this worth it. alot of this is corny, but sometimes expressing love can come with corny lines. how you think people fall in love with each other?
i hope to go a long way with nam. i love being this in love. and being loved like this. thank you nam for all you've ever done for me. and keeping your promise that i'd never feel that way again.
life's amazing. in the end, even though i didn't get the wii, my life is amazing. and i'm fufilled. with friends family and nam.
i couldn't ask for more.
i talked to the ex today. holy crazy because i haven't yelled at anyone like that in so long. it was cool to see that life's treating him good because life hasn't been better for me. because fortunate enough for me, this break up was the best thing to ever happened to me (besides NOT getting the wii). i could just steal it back inspite of NOT giving my WII back, but i'm not stooping low. i think today was closure with the ex..
i realized something today. not that i haven't realized it earlier, but i don't think i can ever be back with him. i can't see me with him anymore.. the title of this post is for him. because he has a fun personality.. which is all the frosting..but no substantial boyfriend credentials. which is the cupcake. fighting with him sucks, it used to kill my mood like no other, being yelled at in public, talking so much shit about me..TO ME., being treated the way i did. all of that sucked, but i'm glad to know that he's doing well. and congratulations on your new job. 'bout time. good thing you're prospect is pointing you in directions i never could. i'm happy for you. deep down i am VERY VERY happy for you. our relationship didn't go the way we wanted. and i understand why you want to keep the wii. but you have to understand why i want it back. i do mind that you're keeping it...
francis. i could thank you so much for the fun times i've had with you, but i don't remember any of them. i just remember the first time we spoke nicely to each other. and that was today. i forgot what you looked like. i see pictures. and i remember certain landmarks aka your nose and eye brows. but i don't remember what you look like.
i'm glad we broke up--because it was the best thing we've ever done together. and i'm glad you're peaceful. and i'm glad we talked nicely today---after the yelling of course (because what's jackie and francis without yelling?). i'm sure we can be civil now. but we could never be friends like we used to be.
i miss kicking it with kuya paul/chris/daniel and all the older guys though. today they're going to watch a movie. and i used to do that. kuya paul talked to me about that today. and i used to watch your games. i'm still a huge OH fan..
...when michael drops me off i got to see nam.
honestly, today after fighting with francis, and seeing my nam, it was the best feeling in the entire world. this 'closure' i guess made me love nam that much more because even though i thought francis was the one for me, boy was i was wrong. nam has it all. he's the frosting, cupcake, and sprinkles. he's stable. he's exciting. he's supportive, and everything i wanted my boyfriend to be. he's great in bed. hahaha (just kidding...not really). i haven't been this happy in a relationship ever. this is definitely the best relationship i've been in since i could remember. he makes life and doing all this worth it. alot of this is corny, but sometimes expressing love can come with corny lines. how you think people fall in love with each other?
i hope to go a long way with nam. i love being this in love. and being loved like this. thank you nam for all you've ever done for me. and keeping your promise that i'd never feel that way again.
life's amazing. in the end, even though i didn't get the wii, my life is amazing. and i'm fufilled. with friends family and nam.
i couldn't ask for more.
Friday, May 9, 2008
spiders and coffee.
it's before my anthro presentation and here are a few exciting things that happened to me.
yesterday, i saw a spider in our shower. not just any spider, but a spider that WAS HUGE. so i "try" to kill it (quotations indicate the operative word). and i thought i did. i guess i was drowning in it water, sure fine judge me. i saw it roll up into a ball and i thought it was dead. so i came close to grab it with a tissue, then BAM IT'S RUNNING AROUND. what a fucking liar. it pretended it was dead. then it scared the living crap out of me. so what did i do? ..i ran.
left the water running because i was scared, thenn i showered upstairs. came back downstairs to turn off the downstairs shower (where the spider was). the spider wasn't there, so i thought. then BAM IT CAME OUT OF THE CURTAIN. i scream and run away again...
i text nam about my little endeavor. unfortunately, he was very insensitive to my fear of spiders and told my ass to get some courage to kill it. and i'm like "fuck that!". so, i decide to wait for his ass to get home.
he comes home. and he showers. boom. no spider.god, i'm such a freak.
this morning the spider wasn't there. so i shower, i take a quick ass shower because im' paranoid that this little fucker (his name is henry, from reba) will be having a little party on my hair or ass so i finish, and i'm wayy relieved. but once i grab my towel LITTLE FUCKER HENRY comes out. so i jump out. and wet the ENTIRE FREAKIN' BATHROOM. and grab the towels and ran into our room.
nam is fortunate enough to be home (well, i'm the fortunate one), so i wake his ass up to go KILL IT. he goes to the bathroom (like my hero would) and looks for the spider. it's not there. WHAT A SNEAKY LITTLE ASSHOLE. at this point i'm thinking i must be crazy. there probably is no freakin' spider there and i'm just losing my mind. and then.. he appears.
stupid henry.
nam kills it. he's my hero. and i've come to the conclusion that it's always handy to have a man in the house.
to make sure you aren't going insanee.
(due to my trama, i apologize for the short sentences, it was only to emphasize the short and petrifed thoughts about the stupid spider. but in my head, seriously, that's how i was thinking. and my life involves short sentences..well that's what my french professor tells me).
haha. coffee story? it's that i FINALLY FREAKIN' TRIED the coffee across the street. and i absolutely love it.
-on my way to my presentation. i just finished my french test. GAG ME.
later haters.
yesterday, i saw a spider in our shower. not just any spider, but a spider that WAS HUGE. so i "try" to kill it (quotations indicate the operative word). and i thought i did. i guess i was drowning in it water, sure fine judge me. i saw it roll up into a ball and i thought it was dead. so i came close to grab it with a tissue, then BAM IT'S RUNNING AROUND. what a fucking liar. it pretended it was dead. then it scared the living crap out of me. so what did i do? ..i ran.
left the water running because i was scared, thenn i showered upstairs. came back downstairs to turn off the downstairs shower (where the spider was). the spider wasn't there, so i thought. then BAM IT CAME OUT OF THE CURTAIN. i scream and run away again...
i text nam about my little endeavor. unfortunately, he was very insensitive to my fear of spiders and told my ass to get some courage to kill it. and i'm like "fuck that!". so, i decide to wait for his ass to get home.
he comes home. and he showers. boom. no spider.god, i'm such a freak.
this morning the spider wasn't there. so i shower, i take a quick ass shower because im' paranoid that this little fucker (his name is henry, from reba) will be having a little party on my hair or ass so i finish, and i'm wayy relieved. but once i grab my towel LITTLE FUCKER HENRY comes out. so i jump out. and wet the ENTIRE FREAKIN' BATHROOM. and grab the towels and ran into our room.
nam is fortunate enough to be home (well, i'm the fortunate one), so i wake his ass up to go KILL IT. he goes to the bathroom (like my hero would) and looks for the spider. it's not there. WHAT A SNEAKY LITTLE ASSHOLE. at this point i'm thinking i must be crazy. there probably is no freakin' spider there and i'm just losing my mind. and then.. he appears.
stupid henry.
nam kills it. he's my hero. and i've come to the conclusion that it's always handy to have a man in the house.
to make sure you aren't going insanee.
(due to my trama, i apologize for the short sentences, it was only to emphasize the short and petrifed thoughts about the stupid spider. but in my head, seriously, that's how i was thinking. and my life involves short sentences..well that's what my french professor tells me).
haha. coffee story? it's that i FINALLY FREAKIN' TRIED the coffee across the street. and i absolutely love it.
-on my way to my presentation. i just finished my french test. GAG ME.
later haters.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
grapefruit is seriously the shittiest fruit alive.
i got a cup of fresh fruit at the viking union today. i'm so retarded because i didn't notice that there was grapefruit in it... I HATE HATE grapefruit.
megan loves this drink called ruby something. i'm sure you readers have heard/tasted/even liked this stupid drink. once i was really thirsty that i didn't bother to look what it was, and BLAH. i spit it ALL out. it was so gross.
back to my story. noww.. my entire fruit cup has grapefruit taste and juice all over it. and since i know the taste so well. i'm only focusing on that. so in conclusion, this is the worst experience with fruit EVER. (besides my potential allergy to PINEAPPLES--which is probably karma for being so strict with betina and pineapples. hahaha)
i have a presentation and test friday, which means i'm a kill joy today and tomorrow. i'll probably stay on campus as long as i can soo that i can get shit done. besides nam's in school today. boringggg...
michael and krst got us tickets to the concert. rows one and two. nice huh? it makes me even more excited than ever. I TOLD YOU WE SHOULD'VE WAITED.
its unfortunate i wont be sitting with my friends. i love LOVE nam--but i wanna sit with my friends too (i'm sure you know who got row one and who got row two)
to nam: thanks for everything. that was fun =] cirque de soliel? I THINK SO!
megan loves this drink called ruby something. i'm sure you readers have heard/tasted/even liked this stupid drink. once i was really thirsty that i didn't bother to look what it was, and BLAH. i spit it ALL out. it was so gross.
back to my story. noww.. my entire fruit cup has grapefruit taste and juice all over it. and since i know the taste so well. i'm only focusing on that. so in conclusion, this is the worst experience with fruit EVER. (besides my potential allergy to PINEAPPLES--which is probably karma for being so strict with betina and pineapples. hahaha)
i have a presentation and test friday, which means i'm a kill joy today and tomorrow. i'll probably stay on campus as long as i can soo that i can get shit done. besides nam's in school today. boringggg...
michael and krst got us tickets to the concert. rows one and two. nice huh? it makes me even more excited than ever. I TOLD YOU WE SHOULD'VE WAITED.
its unfortunate i wont be sitting with my friends. i love LOVE nam--but i wanna sit with my friends too (i'm sure you know who got row one and who got row two)
to nam: thanks for everything. that was fun =] cirque de soliel? I THINK SO!
Monday, May 5, 2008
her name was Lisa Marie...more like Rose Marie. MUAHAHA. (refer to myspace song)
anyywyayy.. HELLOOO. EVERYONE =] apparently i'm LONG overdue for a post. whatever. (btw, this keyboard i'm using at school has A SHITTY SHITTY backspace button. i should stop making mistakes)
here i go:
this weekend was fairly boring, except that i watched made of honor and ironman with michael. amazing movies i must say. i would watch both again. nam had a boys night out thing, which was fine because i got to love michael all to myself. (happy birthday to andrew btw)
saturday i studied a lot and waited for Nam to get home from the shop because he was talking to VK about his new job and set everything in stone. afterwards we had a fun filled day of nacquelyn--red mango, shopping, and pizza in bed. hahaha.
sunday we FINALLY GOT PANCAKES. krst and michael know wtf i'm talking about. since i've been craving it since we went to bob's last week (another agenda update i forgot to mention). we invited Ha understand his love circumstances. i felt bad and since were in everett, we hollered. he came. i love ha.
we went to asia noodle and saw PHUNGIT there. and Vy. it was nice seeing them. kwon's birthday is next weekend apparently.
then we went to the outlet mall FOREVER. then went to Andrew's placee to eat some Laosian food. so fucking ang hang. but so fucking masarap. hahaha. i swear Nam ate an entire OCEAN full of oysters. and he's all wondering why his stomach hurt so damn much last night.
went home and did the nasty. hahahaha. not really, well nam did have oysters. you will NEVER KNOW the truth.
i had my french presentation (which we rocked) and a qualitative test which i rocked as well. UHHH..
i saw alan and hikari. i miss them =[
it's cinqo de mayo and i wanna party hardy, but everyone is whack--i dont plan on doing SHIT tonight.
mental notes:
- my dad freakin hates me. everyone hates me. but i guess i'm doing something right.
- nam and i are possibly moving =]. and getting TWO NEW CARS.
- i am freakin' exceeding ACADEMICALLY.
- Loke's in town. though i'll never see her because krst is hogging her. and loke is hogging krst because krst hasn't called me once all weekend--but it's okay. she needs to make sweet babies with loke. hahaha
- my entire california family wants to go to vegas the same weekend we do.
- vegas is looking better and better everyday
- ....michael is NOT taking me.
- i have a presentation and test on friday, which sucks major balls, but that just means the weekend will be ROCKINNNNN..
- our room. is the filthiest i've ever seen it. and i'm not cleaning it today.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
okay fine.. i'm actually in the mood.
i'm seriously not in the mood to agenda update, but i can just say this is what happened:
buca de beppo with newly named micht-amquelyn, or something like that--they renamed it because they can prounce the original version, holland happening with ERRYONE, getting crunk with avril, applebees, texting brosive, tons of library time, international night, fasa elections, and of course, spending time with MY BOO/roommate =]
so besides that.. let's ramble shall we?
speaking of roomates.. i think i'm going to be having a new roommate. she's a former one, and she goes by the name of krst. soo. i've decided if krst pisses me the FUCK off, i'll go to nam. if nam pisses me the fuck off (which he doesn't really), i'll go to krst.--this is the perk. but "what if they both piss you off jacquelyn?" i have a great answer for that one--i'll walk to michael's house down the street =] hahahahhaa. i can't wait for my friends to move to marysville, and they'll be soooo close. it's exciting i must say.
guess what i heard today? DANITY KANE IS FREAKING COMING TO SEATTLE. yesss. no need for the long ass trip to california. we can see them RIGHT HERE =]. no matter what i wanted to go, but it happened to fall on finals week which sucks major ass. but it's okay PROBLEM SOLVED. this is the one concert i wanted to go to this summer.
i just watched a french movie, and the main character was the exwife of CARRIE BRADSHAW's boyfriend, in paris. it was exciting and pretty much hyperventilating in class. because i mean IT IS coming out at the end of this month. (btw, happy may)
congradulations to the new fasa officers for next year.. i'm so excited for next year now. it's my last year, and i love LOVE love my fasa family. i dont like it up here, to live, but if there was one reason and the only reason, it'd be for my fasa family.
i love my BESTfriends. i can't wait for krst to move in.
i can't wait for that.
nam--thank you so much for being amazing. i'm so glad i have you in my life. i have never been this happy ever, and i love LOVE you for that--for supporting me in FASA, in school, my friends, and family. you're totally boss.
.. i miss my daddy.
buca de beppo with newly named micht-amquelyn, or something like that--they renamed it because they can prounce the original version, holland happening with ERRYONE, getting crunk with avril, applebees, texting brosive, tons of library time, international night, fasa elections, and of course, spending time with MY BOO/roommate =]
so besides that.. let's ramble shall we?
speaking of roomates.. i think i'm going to be having a new roommate. she's a former one, and she goes by the name of krst. soo. i've decided if krst pisses me the FUCK off, i'll go to nam. if nam pisses me the fuck off (which he doesn't really), i'll go to krst.--this is the perk. but "what if they both piss you off jacquelyn?" i have a great answer for that one--i'll walk to michael's house down the street =] hahahahhaa. i can't wait for my friends to move to marysville, and they'll be soooo close. it's exciting i must say.
guess what i heard today? DANITY KANE IS FREAKING COMING TO SEATTLE. yesss. no need for the long ass trip to california. we can see them RIGHT HERE =]. no matter what i wanted to go, but it happened to fall on finals week which sucks major ass. but it's okay PROBLEM SOLVED. this is the one concert i wanted to go to this summer.
i just watched a french movie, and the main character was the exwife of CARRIE BRADSHAW's boyfriend, in paris. it was exciting and pretty much hyperventilating in class. because i mean IT IS coming out at the end of this month. (btw, happy may)
congradulations to the new fasa officers for next year.. i'm so excited for next year now. it's my last year, and i love LOVE love my fasa family. i dont like it up here, to live, but if there was one reason and the only reason, it'd be for my fasa family.
i love my BESTfriends. i can't wait for krst to move in.
i can't wait for that.
nam--thank you so much for being amazing. i'm so glad i have you in my life. i have never been this happy ever, and i love LOVE you for that--for supporting me in FASA, in school, my friends, and family. you're totally boss.
.. i miss my daddy.
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