the first love:
i promised these two that'd i would "ode"-ed 'em up.
to krst and michael-- let me first start off by saying i havent been this happy in a very very long time. but yesterday and today were unfortunately LOW days, but if it wasn't for you guys saving me (even though you guys have done it so much in the past), i would've died somewhere. thank you krst for doing all you did for me yesterday, from picking me up and having all of my shit in your car. i know i was sluffin waiting for nam to make up his mind, but thank you for being so supportive and even though you try to give it to me straight, you always tell me what i want. i really appreciate everything you do, even if it doesn't seem like it. i'm not one to take someone for granted, and you're definitely one of those people. i know we've had our ups and downs, but since all that, i'm glad we've matured to the great friendship we have now. thank you for saving my ass in OH. i can't wait til you move in. michael, if anyone is on my side, IT'S YOU. even if i'm the stupidest person around, you'll always have my back. though you joke around about you know who, i know you don't mean it. we've gone through a lot to, but now i'm myself. you don't have to worry about fighting. you always ALWAYS have my back. and the one thing i can say about you, and it's why you stay my bestfriend, is that i can be myself around you. i can talk fast.. and say whatever.. and you listen to me. i've noticed that. when people say i talk fast. i respond with "well you listen slow".. that's not you. you accept me for who i am. and i think that's the greatest achievement in a friendship. you are truly the definition of a true friend.
i love you both very much
--i know you guys complain all the time, especially about pulling through for one of your friends, you guys always do it. with complains, but also with love. i love you both.
disclsure: i love all my other friends, but this is just for them today :). i know you guys always pull through for me, joan, betina, megan, cheyenne, and alan--but you knowww..
the second love:
when you turned over to tell me that i had to move out, out of nowhere, made my heart drop in places i can't explain. it was the first time i've hit something while i was mad. we rarely fight so this comes out of nowhere.
thank you for explaining to me the situation. this is seriously making my heart hurt, but because of all the things have has been happening, i've fallen so much more in love with you. i have known a love like this. even though things are turning for the worst in your life, i feel us getting stronger. thank you for visiting me like four/five times, even went to Seattle to see me.
i think you're right. no one can ever love me like you can. and i know that no one can love you like i can. this is the best love. i've ever experienced one like this. please promises mean everything to me. i'm sorry i accused you of that, i shouldn't have said you were selfish because you aren't.
thank you, my sweetheart. for everything i've ever hoped for.
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