guess wher e i'm going tonight? florida. but jacksonsville, which i dont think qualitifies to be the ideal florida experience, but hey. it's cool. i'll get to see MASSIVE FAMILY. my baby brother is there. all my mom's family, except my parents and baby sister. they're the only ones missing, which sucks. all my cousins are going though and i'm so EXCITED. =]. i can't wait to dress cute and get out of this damn weather, into more nasty humid (but sunny) weather. i packed last night.. in ONE small suitcase. that's big ups to jackie.
but the biggest turn off to all this, is that it's still in the middle of school, so i'll be having to bring some homework to florida. i'm going to try to do my homework on the plane, but that doesn't look like it'll happen because my flight is at night. i have a paper to write for french, a study guide for french, alsoooo create a focus group prompt for anthro. lammee (thumbs downnnnn)
so today i spoke with my professor about my shyness in class (and about make up plans concerning florida).. and she was suprrised that i was this loud and talkative when you really get to know me. i hate that i've been shy in my classes, because i always have so much to say, but i don't. i'm not scared. i dont know, i feel like i'm concentrating more. i don't know. but hey, i vent and analyze my classes to you guys, so i'm not necessairly putting my thoughts to waste. i'll start talking...for the last three weeks?
some other news, nam and i have decided it'd be good for me to move to oak harbor. and NO not because a failing relationship, but because i feel bad commuting while i live with him. so i'm living in OH until school's over. but he'll be over just like beforeeee.. when 831 was around.
krst and i hung out all yesterday. we watched the orphange. SUCH A GREAT MOVIE. this isn't a place to come for ratings like lots of other personal blogs, but i loved it. it was fucking scary, but a good scary. i love hanging out with krst =]. i also hung out with joan and betina in OH. with namm and the guys. michael wasn't there, which was sad because i miss him. KRST is STILL at our house. hahahha. eating our damn food. hahah jk jk. see you at home krst.
we also rented paris je t'aime. and shooter. i have to watch shooter. because of nammmm =] i already wanted to watch it a lot before i mean, who wouldn't wanna watch sexy marky mark shooting guns? .
speaking of my nam, i bought him a BMX bike from kuya randy. it seems like he's very excited, but he's convinced that i bought it so he won't be distracted by the fact that i'm gone. it's only til sunday night babe, i'll see you sunday night.
god. i smell like deodorant. well at least i know it's working. i've been all over the damn place today. school is really killing this florida experience. but i'm getting excited...except the plane.
you know what's whack? i've basically lived on planes all my life, anddd.. i'm still scared. last year, i went on like 14 planes. and i'm still scared. i hate planes.
well i'll try to update in FLORIDDAAAA.. aka the 904? hahah whatever. see you guys in the sunshine state
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