Wednesday, April 30, 2008
basically, it's been a HOT MINUTE.
but i'm not really in the mood to write, soo. HOLLAH.
btw, memorial day weekend.. FLORIDA!.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
expired milk and it's side effects.
nam and i have a gallon of milk at our house, it expired on april 16th. nam and i had LOTS of ceral on the 18th, and we really really wanted to eat it, so we decide to smell the milk and taste it (it's said that you can drink the milk until a week AFTER the expiration date), it tasted great because it satisfied what we were craving. anyway.. we ate all the ceral that day.
last night was the 23rd--exactly ONE WEEK after the expiration date. and nam wanted cereal again.. we had another box of cereal in the pantry, so nam pours the cereal in the bowl, remembering we could potentially have bad milk in the fridge, he grabs it. we smell it, and taste it. STILL VERY GOOD. so we have this fatty ass bowl of cereal together. we're satisfied, but we see this commerical for oreos, so OF COURSE i say "NAMMMM.. can we get oreos?! we need to finish the milk anyway" so we walk to the corner store. i get my oreos and nam contemplates whether or not we should get new milk, but then we're like "nahhh there's more milk anyway (still refering to the milk with the april 16th expiration date)".. we walk home with our oreos. nam goes upstairs to get me a glass of our awesome milk... but we end up not drinking it for awhile. nam and i were watching reba =].. nam feels bad for the warm milk so he CHUGS the thing.
we go to the library.. on the way back, i feel my stomach feeling weird..well it was mostly that area right below your sternum. i didn't say anything because i thought it'd go away. we got home and nam's mom made some BOMMBBB seafood soup, and i haven't eatten anything since earlier that day (apart from our big bowl of cereal).. then i hear nam go "i feel like i have heartburn"...secretly, i'm like "ME TOO!"..but nam starts feeling worse.. like heartburn plus stomach ache kind of paining. and they're striking..THEN IT STARTS HAPPENING TO ME. omg. we're at the table, dying. so we decide to drink some 7up. nothin. so we decide to do the best thing possible--pooing. nam goes upstairs where he usually does his business and i go downstairs where i usually do my business. (sorry if this is gross, it really isnt).. we're at our designated bathrooms for like 20 minutes..NOTHIN. he comes downstairs.. and we lay down because we're in PAIN..
we wanna die at this point, or throw up or something. nam and i close our eyes so we don't think about it. and we sleep... at 930 PM!!
woke up feeling great.
i wanted yogurt at school today...but no diary products for me today.
damn you expired milk. and DAMN NAM for your idea to drink it.
Monday, April 21, 2008
oh danity kane.
i have more readers than i thought i do.
btw, she wasn't my friend half way through our "friendship"
"you aint never ever ever never ever seen a girl me...
-Danity Kane's Lights Out (remix son)
the motto of my life.
snow in spring.
it actually isn't THAT long since i've blogged, but since it's monday, and i'm usually on a laptop or computer duirng my break on mondays. for some reason, i'm more satisfied blogging in the middle of the day as opposed to writing at night, because i feel guitly for writing a blog and enjoying myself than doing homework...or hanging out with my boyfriend for that matter!. haha, so essentially i feel some what sad that i enjoy blogging than eating lunch with my friends, or hanging out with my boyfriend, or calling my bests. sorry guys, but hey, think of it as instead of NOT talking TO you guys, i'm writing ABOUT you guys. You guys are always in my thoughts. (shit talkers motto)
i don't remember if i said this in my previous post, but i had two tests today--one for french and one for people's of latin america. i think i ROCKED both of them (and i will explain later why i think so), but i have my doubts on some questions, but overall i knew the majority of all the questions on both tests.
btw, if you guys are trying to get a hold of me, my phone is being whack. no it's not the blackjack's fault, it's my mom. she isn't paying our bill again. soo, that's a twenty one for the dealer, bust for me. (hahaha the pun was funny in my head)
ready? agenda update:
friday-- that was suppose to be bellingham night. Nam and i were suppose to go to alan's birthday WTF party, but when we were getting ready, snohomish county was being OWNED..pooned up the ass with snow. we were afraid of getting stuck on that long drive, so for safetly, we decided not to go. i was sad that night, but wanna know what we did instead? watched Hard Candy with Ellen Page. ONE crazy ass movie, especially because you keep picturing Ellen Page as Juno or the one witty girl in Smart People (which i happened to LOVE LOVE), seriously cuts a doodes balls off. (well watch it for yourself). Nam officially hates Ellen, and "swears" on his life that we're no longer supporting her. SPEAK FOR YOURSELF, i love her more because of this movie. go Ellen. then we started to watch a Quentin Terintino (sp?) movie, but knocked guess what time? 11 bitches. i swear we sleep later on school/work nights. hahaha. we're odd.
saturday- Nam leaves fairly early in the morning, 9 (well, it's early for no work or school that day!), to go to the shop because he's ...
okay i'm back--let's steer away from the agenda for a moment, and let's talk about food and the general roles which ethnic women play in these diet-frenzy society. I LOVE this chinese food. it's like the best thing to eat for lunch--pineapple chicken and fried motherfuckin' rice. it's all four dollars, and it's a HUGE portion. i have it like once every three weeks, because of course i feel bad. which leds me to the next point i wanted to make--it seems that ethnic women tend to rebel out of socially (american) construction involvoing weight, diet, and body image. I love LOVE my body.. but there's these pute girls sitting next to me, virtually eating nothing for lunch with a FIVE CALORIE drink. i love my food--but i see that the more i notice it, the more i'm noticing my body change. i'm starting to worry about my weight, not that i need to NOW, but i know i'll be sad if i got bigger. i applaud the women who gain weight, or "plus-sized" (i don't know how to classify this) who are proud, but fuck, i wouldn't be because i suck. i'm naturally confident and have an ego FOR DAYS, but i hope my body image conflicts, don't stop that. see, it's happening already.
whatever. i'm fly. MUAHAHA. and i'm boss. anyway,
nam went to the shop to fix the water pump to our car. i'm not at all car savvy, and nam is. so in a nutshell.. I THINK.. the operative word being "think" this is what he said: i was trying to fix the water pump, and i wanted to avoid the "timing belt" (oh god, i'm already bad at explaining this) because if you mess it up by even a LITTLE, it'll mess everything up and when your car runs it will go *with hand movements* thum thum thum.. because shawn's hand slipped when holding it. so vertially that's what i had to fix.
WHOO HOO. i think i'm right--but my point? is tha the took nine hours to fix it. can we say 9-5 with no pay? haha. he was getting frustrated, so i'm very proud that he broke through his frustrations and kicked ass.. he was seriously on the verge of selling the car that he hated that noise so much, but now he thinks his car is all awesome. so BIG UPS TO NAMMMMM MAIII!!. MAI MAN. hahah i'm cool. pun SO INTENDED.
while he doing that, i finished the majority of my homework and studying(see why i think i did so good on my tests). he got home, and we kicked it for a little bit. we were going to go to phungITs right away, but i didn't want to.. so i go: "NAMMM let's watch that new jet li and jackie chan movie" "okay sweetheart anything for you, because i love you, and you're the best girlfriend of all time" HAHAHA. no that isn't how it went, but he said yess =] we met up with shawn and amy to watch it. it was okay. it was a weird story, according to the asians. hahaha. aka everyone but me and shawn aka filpino aka pacific islanders. then the four of us went to phungITs, drunk ass house.
sunday--what do you think? pho. with his family. what the pho RIGHT?! hahaha. nahh i didn't have pho, but i had this really good thing i eat, with vercemili noodles or something. with my coffee =]. we ran a few arrands after that, then did homework the rest of the day and night. it was a serious night for naquelyn since we got done with homework early. i love you nam. i still love you just the same.
mental notes and future SHIZZ-
- i miss the glow in the dark concert. if michael and i didn't go, i'd think i would've cried because according to know what? i'm going to copy and paste from Michael. so i'm not plagerizing... i would cite this formally, but i don't know how. ALSO.. i'm lazy to type out everything he said perfectly.
" and the only exciting thing i can think of is GLOW IN THE FUCKING DARK TOUR! haha. me and jackie went together to the concert cause the rest of our friends are laammmeee. after watching the actual performance and reading all these bomb reviews about it, i'm glad i was able to witness this "epic" concert. seriously. all the opening acts were good. my first time seeing lupe. now i can see the hype on him for all his concerts here in seattle. nerd was poppin. their band was good. rihanna was HOT. and kanye...i'm speechless about his performance. besides that, me and jacquelynA bought matching shirts and saw marvicelle there. i love watching concerts with jacquelynA. she's so funny. her and her sweaty armpits. hahaha. oh yeah, i forgot to mention. during kanye's performace, pharrell was watching it with his girlfriend in the soundbooth next to us and waved at jackie. yes, jackie creamed her fanties. lol." -- michael dennis quoc canda. myspace blog bitch.
or for a more CREDIBLE (haha sorry michael) source of criticism, you can reach up the food chain of the Candas and hit up, or click kuya paul under my homies. he has a good critic on it. - damnit. i have another thing michael already talked about... the E=MC2 album IS AMAZING. i love it. of course nam doesn't. it's because i think i'm flushing him with too much female artists in the car. hahaha. okay. i'm cruise control.
- i'm having too many nightmares about nam, that when i wake up, he seriously feels my wrath. funny to me? DEFINITELY. to nam? DEFINITELY NOT.
- i seriously think i ROCKED MY TESTS.
- i miss michael and krst. i think we're going to MICHistAMquelyn this week =]
- i WAS wanting a haircut on thursday and go to the barn right after, but i'm appreciating this hair length (only because i'm having a nice hair day) haha-- thus leading to. i miss joan and betina.
- THURSDAY. HOLY MOLY. grey's anatomy. beat that bitches.
- i'm sad i didn't go to WTF.
- i dreamt about fasa conference, in AUSTRALIA. hahaha and preeya needed to give me shorts. she was with her step team? hahah weirddd.. and my brother was hitting on filipino-australian girls.
- i have $0.32 in my checking.
- tuition is NOT paid yet. ..well neither is my phone bill. finances are doing bad, academically i'm doing GREEEAATTT..
whooo. that was ONE HELL OF A BLOG.
alright YO.
Friday, April 18, 2008
"krst's going to be aundrea?! hmm. let joan be aundrea"
let's see. the last time i blogged was monday. agenda update shall we?
tuesday- nam and i didn't go to school or work. soo. we ate pho. DUH. hahaha. with randy and carlo. after hours of convincing us to go to OAK HARBOR (not really. arthur asked once and BAM we were on our way), we decide to go. we go to the BBARN of course. krst meets us up there. the four girls--krst betina joan and moi, took an outrageous picture =]. then all the guys and girls went to BK. it was fun =]. we went home then nam and i stayed up all night.....
EW, get your head out of the gutter, we did homework =]
wednesday- GLOW IN THE MOTHERFUCKING DARK. i thought that the concert is pretty epic. the acts were getting better and better. kanye was epic.. even though sometimes i felt he was on the ground too much, and that there were moments that i felt like i was in a cult known as "kanyeism" and kanye was the alleged leader. but besides that..good song choices. i wish it was a little bit longer, but that's okay. that was the longest concert i've ever been too. i had so much fun going with michael. i think he's the best person to go to concerts with. he's so down to do everything. we got awesome ass shirts that you readers will probably see quite often. the venue was PACKED. and i loveeeddd ittt.. hmm. we saw marvicelle. i saw hikari allison alex and preeya. WHOOPP WHOOP. michael and i took forever to get out of the events parking. nam and andrew picked me up at northgate. UGHHHH.
thursday- didn't go to school again. hahaha i was sick as a motherfuckin' dog because of the night before. nam got home and we stayed home mostly, except to rent hard candy (joan, i'm excited to watch it) at blockbuster, buy juno and E=MC2 at walmat. we went out to eat dinner AGAIN. we need to stop seriously. then we did homework when we got home. =]
today is friday and nam and i are going to alan's WTF party. i don't know what we're wearing but oh well.
saturday is PHUNGits.
weekend is full of exciting homework =] and studying.
je deteste les devoirs et les etudes.
mental notes-
- this fucking university is seriously made for tall people. i cant touch the floor when i'm sitting down in most classrooms.
- i didn't realize the conditions at the US MEXICO border. and the factories that are being ran there. oh peoples of latin america.
- i have two tests on monday and french is pissing me off. i'm going to get a C again. i just know it.
- no one was at lunch today.
- i wish i could run for alliance rep since i got nominated, but that's okay. i'll just let all the underclassmen work their asses off next year while i relax.--not like i was big contribution this year....
- holland happening or ocean shores?
i'll blog on monday. DUH.
sorry i know this isnt mental stimulating. BUT WHATEVE.
Monday, April 14, 2008
its been a minute. plus a few days. HAHA =]
agenda update:
thursday- arthur and verick came to pick me and nam up at our house. we went to... you can only guess with the boys in the car... yeah to break... and do you know where they wanted to break? OAK HARBOR. whoo hoo! i got to see joan and betina!..again for the second time that week. after we went to the bbarn and running around with cheyenne, we went back to marysville because we had to get ready to go to seattle for wasabi bistro. unfortunately there was so much EFFING traffic. but we got to krst's apartment at a good time i guess. we went to wasabi. it was michael's turn to pashal. doode. go to michael's myspace if you're interested in what we ordered. cuz GOT DAMN. i don't remember. but i do remember having some good ass sushi and mochi ice cream =]. it was of course the usual--krst michael jackie and nam. so that'd bee... well i'll put me last since i'm the shit: MICHistAMquelyn. MUAHAHAHA that is the uglist thing i've ever seen. and it's even uglier when i have my headphones in trying to pronounce that shit. hahaha i think i'm loud. "i come loud. you could never turn me down"--sorry for that little anecdote but then we went home SUPER LATE. and nam and i had the shittest time at school/work. the next day.
friday- ate lunch with all the fasa homies at western. preeya hikari and i had one interesting conversation. i've learned a lot. on my way home i stopped by the outlet malls to pick up nam's watch. it's his present =]. he was blowing my PHONE UP. shit. i thought jae saw me. but good thing she didn't because i could never pull a surprise for nam in that got damn town. came home and he was happy but frustrated that i didn't pick up my phone. so in general, it was a good surprise and he was happy. we took the bike up to mt. vernon. krst met us up at our house to head north. so the three of us headed north. we went to costco becuase joan wanted a hot dog hella bad. we met up with michael there. and joan and randy came through later. watched smart people. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE that movie. it has witty comments like Juno (though it really is no Juno, even if Ellen Paige is in that movie and being type casted), but it was awesome. speaking of JUNO IT COMES OUT TOMORROW. then we movie hopped to Prom Night. and regina and april met us there. it was good, not the scariest, but it was good scary because i laughed too. PLEASE NOTE: I GOT IDed. AND GUESS WHO WAS MY GUARDIAN? yeah that's right MICHAEL CANDA. but they didn't card NAM. the eff. i'm older! that's what i get for looking like a baby...
anyway--went home. it was freezing. my hands were seriously going to fall off... nam was about to fall off...period. he was so cold. but i was good besides the phalanges. hahaha.
saturday- it was GORRRRGGGGGG!!. finally. nam and i had shopping plans. so we went downtown to shop. westlake mostly--we also ate paroshky =] I WAS SO HAPPY. and nam loved it. and it was the first time nam went to pike's place. weirrrdddd.. that's what happens when you take your home state or town for granted and don't enjoy the cultures it brings. besides it's like a crazy tourist spot. hahaha. after we did some SHOPPING...aka ME DROPPING MONEY, we headed back north because we had to hit up My's house for him and katie's engagement bbq thing. shout out to my and katie =] congratulations!! then we hit up PHUNGIT's house and had duck blood with chicken and liver something. i have to admit it was intimidating, but shit i'll try anything once. and it was HELLA GOOD. hahaha. i really really like Vietnamese food alot. i almost love it. the only thing i don't like is pho. sorry nam and all other vietnamese people. we were there hella late, then we went home =]
sunday- woke up to get ready for church. we saw michael and the devil there. michael knows what the EFF i'm talking about. because he loves some other girl by the name of DEVIL more than me. whatever. she really is fucking psycho. [<---that sentence, within the actions, is soooo contradictory]. the MAI family including katie and i went to Asia in everett to eat...what else? PHO. i didn't have pho but i had these good ass noodles. seee. i LOVE their food. then the two couples went to northgate to shop. AGAIN. but i had to buy my scarf and belt. well i didn't need to, but you know when you shop the definition of need and want overlap. then we headed home. stayed home for the rest of the nighttt...well kind of. we went to albertsons and bought the damn store. our eyes were hungry yadig. i did his quizzes for him and did some homework myself. BTW. NEW PHONE. BLACKJACK. whoo hooo.
okay. it's monday. that means lecture days. i have class in like an hour. but i just realized its on the other side of campus. whooppie. NOT.
future agenda:
today- laundry homework homework
tuesday- get my nails and tan a little. and do massive homework. 2 months cheytee and nacquelyn
wednesday- michael picks me up for goods and you guessed it:
Glow in the motherfucking Dark tour
it feels like i've been waiting my entire life for this concert. seriously.
thursday- alan's 20th birthday!!
friday- alan's birthday party =]
the rest? studying probably for my shitty midterms on monday.
mental notes:
i've realized that i have returned to my normal self. and i think that's the ultimate mental note of all because the past 6 to 8 months i haven't been feeling like myself, and he came along. and rocked my world. this is seriously the most healthiest relationship i've ever been in. i'm scared about after college.. i even scared of this summer to be honest with you. i'm worried about me and my dad's relationship. i'm so proud of my brother for being able to graduate. i told you bro you could do it. i have never been happier with my friends and relationship. i think i'm going to kick major ass this quarter. i haven't been this focused in awhile. and i absolutely love my new phone. and new shoes. i miss megan and i can't wait to tell her everything. i miss my family period. and some girl stuff
honestly, i don't know why you just appeared in my thoughts out of no where. he doesn't love you anymore. and i certainly hate you. he loves me, but i don't know why you are the bugging the living out of me. just please, don't talk to him anymore. i'd really appreciate that. oh yeah, and stop looking at him.
why am i convincing myself? i'm wasting my time when i know the answer.
wtf am i wearing for G.I.T.D.? i know i'm wearing sleeveless.... and i'm bringing fresh panties, pharell is going to be there. and you know what that means. muahaha.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
yes i'll rock your promise ring.
on monday, i went to classes, surprisingly. after such a long but extremely fun weekend, i actually went to class. after that, i visited my michael =]. hahaha i wanted to see him in action since he's teching and all that. then i went home, i waited for my man to come home from school, because him and i had date. the restaurant we wanted to go to originally was closed, randomly, but hey it's all good because we found another cute restaurant which i enjoyed very much.
tuesday came around. and i SO did NOT go to class. it's hard getting up for classes on tuesday and thursdays because I ONLY HAVE ONE CLASS.
nam came home and we decided to go to OAK HARBOR WHOO HOOO. nam was breaking for a bit and kicked it with the girls. everyone was busy after, so we went home :(. pretty lame but that's okay. i saw everyone which made me really happy.
yesterday. nam's ride...well both of them couldn't make it to work, so i was going to drop him off. but then he decided he didn't wanna go to work since it was already late as it is. sooo. what did we do?! I TOOK NAM TO SCHOOL WITH ME. hahahha. it was fun. he got a lot of studying done while i was in all my classes, and we had lunch with my western friends. big shout outs to ryan and annie for hooking it up with guest meals!! then after that we went home.. nam hates riding the bus which i thought was HILARIOUS. hahaha. but we only went home for like five minutes because i needed to pick up some books, then we headed to nam's school. and was there from 430-9. HOLY CRAP. hahaha. so yesterday was a day full of school. we rented I Am Legend, buttttt we slept when it started. hahaha.
tonight. nam and i have plans with our lovely counter couple, michael and krst. ahahah wasabi bistro. so that's why i need to do homework, because i'll be home late. and i really dont' wanna do shit when i get home.
friday or saturday night we have plans with everyone to movie hop from Smart People with my wonderful SARAH JESSICA PARKER and ELLEN PAIGE. andd then PROM NIGHT. with BRITTNEY SNOW.
sunday is nacquelyn day like always. plus more homework. DUH.
hahahaha. well i gotta get on that. i'll take pictures tonight so i can post them. okay?
later player.
Monday, April 7, 2008
back from conference.. what is UP THREE SIX OH?!
hello everyone =] i'm at school right now on my break, but i already ate during class--i hate eating during class (because i feel like its a disturbance but also everyone knows what i'm eating), but today i woke up late because nam woke me up like twenty minutes later than he was suppose to, which gave me time to shower, and basically throw some clothes on--which happened to be my conference clothes, YUCK. whatever, hopefully no one from fasa sees me today. hahaha
i want to write about all the little details of conference, but it'd be way too long, and frankly i don't have the time. all i have to say is that i had one hell of a time at conference. i wish i met more people..butttt.. i did meet people that heard of me, or i heard of them hahaha. if that makes any kind of sense. mostly UW people, and i'm pretty sure you all know why. let's just say i love western fasa pamiliya. our showcase kicked ass. i have a great appreciation for the filipino-american community and filipino people in the philippines. i love dancing.racism is strong.i hate eastern washington. hahaha.
pictures? here's only a few. there on my myspace. it's weird because my myspace isn't letting me upload pictures from MY laptop but it is everywhere else. thank you alex higa for uploading so fast on facebook, i mean "that's what facebook is for" i have more on my camera that i'll post up. but not very good ones..

--tonight nam and i have dinner plans =] and tomorrow is oak harbor. he wants to break, i wanna see my friends. thanks nam for waiting for me and letting me go. i'm glad you trust me enough otherwise. thanks for picking up freakin' krst from oak harbor. and thank you for chillin' with greg and randy. it's nice seeing you're kickin it with my friends =]. i love you and i can't wait till i see you at home. because apparently, i've been hearing your emo status.
if you wanna resolve anything, you should call me. or text me. i think i have a right to be a little bit upset. you knew he was going to say yes because if he said no he'd look like the bad guy and his girlfriend is your bestfriend. if you wanna hear me out, then holler, if not then whatever. i didn't do anything wrong. i feel like you rarely do anything for me, and i put out (no pun intended) SO MUCH for you, what do you have to show up for me?? nothing. you came to my house ONCE. after the million times you've been to oak harbor and back. you think SHE hasn't seen you in forever? think again.
Friday, April 4, 2008
yo YO yo YO.
just wanted to let everyone know that i'll be at FASA CONFERENCE. in spokane, wa. at gonzage university.
can't wait. so i'll update and post pictures when i get backkk....
but till then, i got class, regrouping, traveling...then conference.
laterdays players
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
"sex and money... name two things you WON'T get for your birthday"
bomb times at olive garden, burlington i must say.
i went to school today and lots of cool things happened such as a nice but fairly cold day, jason bailey is in my qualitative methods of anthropological research class, i CAN NOT WAIT FOR CONFERENCE (but i'm going to miss my boyfriend very much), i have a ex coworker in my people's of latin america class, saw all my friends at western, i got to know manong tj just a little more., andddddd in conclusion of my school agenda--this quarter is going to SUCK SUCK SUCK SUCK SUCK.
when i came home, nam wasn't home so i cleaned our room as usual and did a load of laundry..well i didn't actually do it, because it's still in the dryer. it doesn't count if the clothes aren't folded and hung. i got showered because i felt so completely gross and i read until nam got home. i haven't seen him for awhile because it was already like 630 pm at the time. we talked about our day then BAM, krst and janelle show up to our house. they kicked it for awhile, then we headed to burlington.
krst pissed me off in the car as usual. but i love her. and it was so nice seeing janelle. i haven't seen that biotch for a minute.
we went to olive garden and met EVERYONE there. here's some pictures because i don't feel like naming everyone :). i can't put picu
basically i saw ALL MY FRIENDS from both western and the loves in ONE DAY. it was nice.
i have to effing read so sorry..
btw i can't wait till me and nam have our own place, i love the cleanliness and the awesome food, but i wanna move out now. and get our puppy.
usual four.
me and my man =]
me and the birthday boy =]
everyone =]
the girls
the guys.
note no new pictures aren't on my myspace because i can't upload them. it's weird. sorry :(
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
spring quarter 2008.
i'm sorry guys if i'm MIA, but this quarter is seriously going to be kicking my ass in READING time. good thing nam and i have a nice den where we can study, but i like to change it up a bit. so i'd probably floating around the house reading. and reading. and reading. it's endless.
when nam got home from work, we just took the bike out to eat and ride around. we were going to this teriyaki spot in everett, near the naval station, but it was closed on a tuesday. what is that?!
i talked to megan today when nam and i were eating. it's so nice to hear her voice, i swear i text that girl like no other and she hasn't been getting to me, but i understand.
it's almost michael's birthday--so that's why he has all the attention WHATEVE.
i got a lot of funny text messages today from bfs and boyfriend. they were hilarious. i'm glad that they make me happy. my fortune cookie said that the difficult road will be soften by great friends some shit like that. and i think it's absolutely right.
for what i thought doom's day will be, it turned out to be not so bad. the devilish part was reading for almost all my evening. i didn't even have this class yet, and i'm already reading for it. i did some french too. tomorrow is school again. whoopdie doo, but i do get to see my friends, since i'm assuming we all have the same break time on MWF--i hope that's for sure. i'm skipping my people of latin america so i can be home before michael's SHINGDIG. i'm excited to see all our friends.
i'll update tomorrow if anything is interesting.
btw, i can someone remind me to charge my camera. i need pictures for this damn blog. and for michael's anniversaire.
"can i have an iced grande CHEYTEE with vanilla soy please?"

so it's april fools. well i call it doom's day. i thought april fools was a funny day--not so funny.
you know what else is today?-- the first day of school. and do you know what sucks about the first day of school? it's on a tuesday. and jacquelyn has ONE CLASS on tuesday and thursdays. and it happens to be at nine in the morning.
but whateve. i'm getting past this day because its mega nice outside, and no one can resist a little sunshine after shitty spring break weather.
and it's also the beginning of my life with nam. because we've decided that this is when life actually starts for us. spring break was a breeze since i didn't do shit but wait for him to come home---tan and get my nails did--so this is a test. foreal.
let's see--agenda update =] after i updated yesterday i got ready to get boogy with my man. hahaha. well not really, we just headed to everett community college for nam to run some errands and then we went to alderwood so i can run some arrands (btw, these jeans are still REALLY TIGHT but i will not get bigger ones because that means i'm getting bigger and i rather hurt my hips than my ego), and then we went to north seattle to pick up the lovely michael and beautiful krst. the four of us went on one of our date thingys. nam took us out and michael is next for pashal-ing time to wasabi bistro. we went to china town to this little chinese restaurant purple dot cafe, which turned out to be a very sheek very cute restaurant. the food was good that i couldn't breath afterwards. nam always makes good recommendations for restaurants. =]
we dropped those BITCHES off. good times at purple dot. lots of good laughs. hahaha even though nam told a secret no one was suppose to KNOW, he told them anyway. so now i'm getting shit for it, but it's just getting even bitches.
today after french (which stated earlier, is my ONLY class of the day, tuesday AND THURSDAY) i went to buy my books. i want to take more pictures to put on my blog, and i guess when i get home, i'll satisify this goal, by taking pictures of my books. my books were only like 124 dollars. or something like that. CHEAP for four books. i've gone up to four hundred PLENTY of times, but this time was refreshing. i feel bad because nam dropped more than four bills. i'll take a picutre of both =]
i might lead a discussion group for the beginning anthropology classes. they're mainly freshmen so i'm not too intimidated. i remember being in those discussion classes and wishing i had a better leader. i hope i do well. i hope i get it period?
tomorrow is michael's birthday--so i'm skipping my peoples of latin america for his ass. i know i know, honorable friend i must say. nam and i are skipping our last classes- so that classifies nam as an honorable boyfriend =]
i'll definitely take pictures there. see ya!