so it's april fools. well i call it doom's day. i thought april fools was a funny day--not so funny.
you know what else is today?-- the first day of school. and do you know what sucks about the first day of school? it's on a tuesday. and jacquelyn has ONE CLASS on tuesday and thursdays. and it happens to be at nine in the morning.
but whateve. i'm getting past this day because its mega nice outside, and no one can resist a little sunshine after shitty spring break weather.
and it's also the beginning of my life with nam. because we've decided that this is when life actually starts for us. spring break was a breeze since i didn't do shit but wait for him to come home---tan and get my nails did--so this is a test. foreal.
let's see--agenda update =] after i updated yesterday i got ready to get boogy with my man. hahaha. well not really, we just headed to everett community college for nam to run some errands and then we went to alderwood so i can run some arrands (btw, these jeans are still REALLY TIGHT but i will not get bigger ones because that means i'm getting bigger and i rather hurt my hips than my ego), and then we went to north seattle to pick up the lovely michael and beautiful krst. the four of us went on one of our date thingys. nam took us out and michael is next for pashal-ing time to wasabi bistro. we went to china town to this little chinese restaurant purple dot cafe, which turned out to be a very sheek very cute restaurant. the food was good that i couldn't breath afterwards. nam always makes good recommendations for restaurants. =]
we dropped those BITCHES off. good times at purple dot. lots of good laughs. hahaha even though nam told a secret no one was suppose to KNOW, he told them anyway. so now i'm getting shit for it, but it's just getting even bitches.
today after french (which stated earlier, is my ONLY class of the day, tuesday AND THURSDAY) i went to buy my books. i want to take more pictures to put on my blog, and i guess when i get home, i'll satisify this goal, by taking pictures of my books. my books were only like 124 dollars. or something like that. CHEAP for four books. i've gone up to four hundred PLENTY of times, but this time was refreshing. i feel bad because nam dropped more than four bills. i'll take a picutre of both =]
i might lead a discussion group for the beginning anthropology classes. they're mainly freshmen so i'm not too intimidated. i remember being in those discussion classes and wishing i had a better leader. i hope i do well. i hope i get it period?
tomorrow is michael's birthday--so i'm skipping my peoples of latin america for his ass. i know i know, honorable friend i must say. nam and i are skipping our last classes- so that classifies nam as an honorable boyfriend =]
i'll definitely take pictures there. see ya!
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