agenda update:
thursday- arthur and verick came to pick me and nam up at our house. we went to... you can only guess with the boys in the car... yeah to break... and do you know where they wanted to break? OAK HARBOR. whoo hoo! i got to see joan and betina!..again for the second time that week. after we went to the bbarn and running around with cheyenne, we went back to marysville because we had to get ready to go to seattle for wasabi bistro. unfortunately there was so much EFFING traffic. but we got to krst's apartment at a good time i guess. we went to wasabi. it was michael's turn to pashal. doode. go to michael's myspace if you're interested in what we ordered. cuz GOT DAMN. i don't remember. but i do remember having some good ass sushi and mochi ice cream =]. it was of course the usual--krst michael jackie and nam. so that'd bee... well i'll put me last since i'm the shit: MICHistAMquelyn. MUAHAHAHA that is the uglist thing i've ever seen. and it's even uglier when i have my headphones in trying to pronounce that shit. hahaha i think i'm loud. "i come loud. you could never turn me down"--sorry for that little anecdote but then we went home SUPER LATE. and nam and i had the shittest time at school/work. the next day.
friday- ate lunch with all the fasa homies at western. preeya hikari and i had one interesting conversation. i've learned a lot. on my way home i stopped by the outlet malls to pick up nam's watch. it's his present =]. he was blowing my PHONE UP. shit. i thought jae saw me. but good thing she didn't because i could never pull a surprise for nam in that got damn town. came home and he was happy but frustrated that i didn't pick up my phone. so in general, it was a good surprise and he was happy. we took the bike up to mt. vernon. krst met us up at our house to head north. so the three of us headed north. we went to costco becuase joan wanted a hot dog hella bad. we met up with michael there. and joan and randy came through later. watched smart people. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE that movie. it has witty comments like Juno (though it really is no Juno, even if Ellen Paige is in that movie and being type casted), but it was awesome. speaking of JUNO IT COMES OUT TOMORROW. then we movie hopped to Prom Night. and regina and april met us there. it was good, not the scariest, but it was good scary because i laughed too. PLEASE NOTE: I GOT IDed. AND GUESS WHO WAS MY GUARDIAN? yeah that's right MICHAEL CANDA. but they didn't card NAM. the eff. i'm older! that's what i get for looking like a baby...
anyway--went home. it was freezing. my hands were seriously going to fall off... nam was about to fall off...period. he was so cold. but i was good besides the phalanges. hahaha.
saturday- it was GORRRRGGGGGG!!. finally. nam and i had shopping plans. so we went downtown to shop. westlake mostly--we also ate paroshky =] I WAS SO HAPPY. and nam loved it. and it was the first time nam went to pike's place. weirrrdddd.. that's what happens when you take your home state or town for granted and don't enjoy the cultures it brings. besides it's like a crazy tourist spot. hahaha. after we did some SHOPPING...aka ME DROPPING MONEY, we headed back north because we had to hit up My's house for him and katie's engagement bbq thing. shout out to my and katie =] congratulations!! then we hit up PHUNGIT's house and had duck blood with chicken and liver something. i have to admit it was intimidating, but shit i'll try anything once. and it was HELLA GOOD. hahaha. i really really like Vietnamese food alot. i almost love it. the only thing i don't like is pho. sorry nam and all other vietnamese people. we were there hella late, then we went home =]
sunday- woke up to get ready for church. we saw michael and the devil there. michael knows what the EFF i'm talking about. because he loves some other girl by the name of DEVIL more than me. whatever. she really is fucking psycho. [<---that sentence, within the actions, is soooo contradictory]. the MAI family including katie and i went to Asia in everett to eat...what else? PHO. i didn't have pho but i had these good ass noodles. seee. i LOVE their food. then the two couples went to northgate to shop. AGAIN. but i had to buy my scarf and belt. well i didn't need to, but you know when you shop the definition of need and want overlap. then we headed home. stayed home for the rest of the nighttt...well kind of. we went to albertsons and bought the damn store. our eyes were hungry yadig. i did his quizzes for him and did some homework myself. BTW. NEW PHONE. BLACKJACK. whoo hooo.
okay. it's monday. that means lecture days. i have class in like an hour. but i just realized its on the other side of campus. whooppie. NOT.
future agenda:
today- laundry homework homework
tuesday- get my nails and tan a little. and do massive homework. 2 months cheytee and nacquelyn
wednesday- michael picks me up for goods and you guessed it:
Glow in the motherfucking Dark tour
it feels like i've been waiting my entire life for this concert. seriously.
thursday- alan's 20th birthday!!
friday- alan's birthday party =]
the rest? studying probably for my shitty midterms on monday.
mental notes:
i've realized that i have returned to my normal self. and i think that's the ultimate mental note of all because the past 6 to 8 months i haven't been feeling like myself, and he came along. and rocked my world. this is seriously the most healthiest relationship i've ever been in. i'm scared about after college.. i even scared of this summer to be honest with you. i'm worried about me and my dad's relationship. i'm so proud of my brother for being able to graduate. i told you bro you could do it. i have never been happier with my friends and relationship. i think i'm going to kick major ass this quarter. i haven't been this focused in awhile. and i absolutely love my new phone. and new shoes. i miss megan and i can't wait to tell her everything. i miss my family period. and some girl stuff
honestly, i don't know why you just appeared in my thoughts out of no where. he doesn't love you anymore. and i certainly hate you. he loves me, but i don't know why you are the bugging the living out of me. just please, don't talk to him anymore. i'd really appreciate that. oh yeah, and stop looking at him.
why am i convincing myself? i'm wasting my time when i know the answer.
wtf am i wearing for G.I.T.D.? i know i'm wearing sleeveless.... and i'm bringing fresh panties, pharell is going to be there. and you know what that means. muahaha.
babygirrrl i had the blackjack! you shoulda got the blackberry curve.. the blackjack is good, but its kinda slow. but its good phone either way. ANYWAY- i'm going to the concert this sunday.. and pharell told me to tell you that you can leave the fresh panties at home cuz he's planning on coming home with me anyway :)
honestly, i don't know why you just appeared in my thoughts out of no where. he doesn't love you anymore. and i certainly hate you. he loves me, but i don't know why you are the bugging the living out of me. just please, don't talk to him anymore. i'd really appreciate that. oh yeah, and stop looking at him.
ALL DO RESPECT, if this is about who i think it is, then you're wrong. she doesn't talk to him, look at him, or anything. he used to text her and talk to her. then he gets mad when she stopped talking to him because of her boy, and now, he's just doing the same thing. soo... anyways, i'm not here to start drama, i just thought that you should know in case you already didn't, that posting this up for people to read, COULd show that you're jealous of what they USED to have. don't dwell on pasts. because it's behind for a reason. just think about the present and future and plan for you're guys relationship to be better and stronger than theirs. they HAD something, and it was a highschool sweetheart thing. you both are out of highschool, so leave highschool news in the past and don't let it bother you for any reason at all. again, if this is about who i think it is, you have no reason to hate her. she didn't do anything to you. she didn't go behind your back and hit on your boyfriend right after they broke up, so think about that.
BUT, if this isn't about who i think it is, disregard most of what i said. but i still think, that you should have kept this to yourself. leaving it in the past will prove to others that you're a strong person and you don't care about the past.
okay i said it.
sorry if it offended you in anyway, or make you hate me now, i'm just the type of person to say something when i think something should be said, regardless if it really needed to be said.
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