bomb times at olive garden, burlington i must say.
i went to school today and lots of cool things happened such as a nice but fairly cold day, jason bailey is in my qualitative methods of anthropological research class, i CAN NOT WAIT FOR CONFERENCE (but i'm going to miss my boyfriend very much), i have a ex coworker in my people's of latin america class, saw all my friends at western, i got to know manong tj just a little more., andddddd in conclusion of my school agenda--this quarter is going to SUCK SUCK SUCK SUCK SUCK.
when i came home, nam wasn't home so i cleaned our room as usual and did a load of laundry..well i didn't actually do it, because it's still in the dryer. it doesn't count if the clothes aren't folded and hung. i got showered because i felt so completely gross and i read until nam got home. i haven't seen him for awhile because it was already like 630 pm at the time. we talked about our day then BAM, krst and janelle show up to our house. they kicked it for awhile, then we headed to burlington.
krst pissed me off in the car as usual. but i love her. and it was so nice seeing janelle. i haven't seen that biotch for a minute.
we went to olive garden and met EVERYONE there. here's some pictures because i don't feel like naming everyone :). i can't put picu
basically i saw ALL MY FRIENDS from both western and the loves in ONE DAY. it was nice.
i have to effing read so sorry..
btw i can't wait till me and nam have our own place, i love the cleanliness and the awesome food, but i wanna move out now. and get our puppy.
usual four.
me and my man =]
me and the birthday boy =]
everyone =]
the girls
the guys.
note no new pictures aren't on my myspace because i can't upload them. it's weird. sorry :(
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