Monday, May 12, 2008

seriously more?

i forgot to write about my motherless mother's day (considering all the other events that happened).

this is the third year in a row that i wasn't with my mom. i don't remember the last time i spent it with her. i'm assuming it was senior year? that's crazy because that was such a long time ago. unfortunately, i cried again. i woke up crying to call my mommy--she thought something else was wrong, but in all honesty, i really really really miss her. everyone gets to kick it with their moms and what not. while i just talk to my mommy on the phone.

that's why i love my boyfriend so much--for dropping me off in seattle so i can kick it with my friends who didn't have mom's.
i love my friends for being so supportive of all the things that i do. and say even. (though, i should recognize that they don't listen to me, they love my blogs, that's why i have them so extensive.)

i appreciate everything anyone in my life has done for me.

---it's a monday..and i have so much shit to do. i have two interviews to conduct AND analyze. i have a study guide to prepare. for friday.

alll in all. when i get home, i'm going to do my homework (and NOT WATCH REBA), and do laundry. i'm going to have another one of those push-your-ass-to-the-limits kind of work days. i really wanna get this done. because i need to do those damn interviews. and love my baby on thursday. shout out's to cheytee and the big three.

but you know what's best for doing my homework so early? ONE TREE HILL TONIGHT. and sexy time =] since i'm off the dot


arthur said...

i feel u. i had to call my mom yesterday bc shes in the philippines. felt kinda weird but what can you do

Teej said...

Yes. That's MY picture i took of you. ::dusts myself off::