Wednesday, March 26, 2008

this is from last night. sorry for the typos

i had to write this blog in tiny TINY ass font because nosy bitches aka michael and krst were all up on my grill in the car. so here goes--------------------

"please don't touch my penis. i will go sleep now. thank you very much"- oh yeah already know. hahaha and it's NOT nam. MUAHAHA.
my days aren't as boring as my blogs come off to be. ON CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF, my days are actually extremely fun. it's just when i do have time to write a blog, i'm still getting over how much fun i've been having.

okay. right now honestly? i'm in the lexus because i'm going to oak harbor with nam. nam and i were suppose to go there a lot earlier, but guess what happened?! YEAH THAT'S RIGHT. krst's instigating ass was all i-wanna-go-to-oak-harbor-too-please-wait-for-me mood. so of course she GOES BEHIND MY BACK and tells nam to wait. nam's a nice guy so he's going to say yes. and his specific words were "she'll do that for know?" YEAH SURE I KNOW.

whatever. i'm pissed off at krst. just letting you ALL know that =] but i love her.i'm glad michael came to because krst's ass is OUT OF FUCKING CONTROL. i'm so happy he came. because i missed him as much as a missed krst and i saw michael a few days ago. hahaha.
anyway. we're on our way to oak harbor to meet up with everyone. for the barn and what not. probably going to eat afterwards. i hope we go to applebees because since lent is over, i haven't been binging out on lemons and vinger as i liked, and applebees is always a good place to eat lemons. "lemons with some water please"

school is starting in less than a week. and nam and i have plans this weekend =] but not nacquelyn plans, but nam and jackie is going along with him and his friends plans. but that's okay. all the guys have girlfriends and we just listen to the boys talk about cars and bikes. i'm very fortunate enough to not have a boyfriend that talks about cars twenty four effing seven, though a lot of girls probably assume that i have that problem. when i do. so suck it.

status on my dad? i'm pretty sure he's still not talking to me. the only time he tried calling me is because the phone bill wasn't paid--yeah sure it was ON easter, but i know he was calling to bitch me out. maybe my dad was calling to say happy easter, but we all know better. i've always dated guys like my dad. ALWAYS. nam is like my dad when he's toward my mom. since he's whipped. like WHIPPED CREAM.

anyway--i hate being called jacquelyna that isn't alan. even alan doesn't even call me that anymore. btw, i can't wait for conference, and alan loves me again.

megan can you please come home. i can't wait anymore.

good luck joan. just in case i don't write another 'boring' blog until thursday. i know you're busy to read my blog. i don't think that you read it anyway.

by the way, i love nam. straight up =]
i'll edit later. players.
ughh. we're on our way back to oak harbor. and since i'm not doing antyhing, but looking at this freakin' laptop, i've decided to finish the blog.well. we went the b barn but of coruse michael didn't want to go because it isn't his scene, so nam krst and i were there with the usual bfs--betina and joan. the four girls played tug o war. that was hella funny. and then we jumped rope while nam and the rest of the guys were breaking.

we all parted our seperate ways. so nam and i went to walmart---duh. to check if juno was there and see how the day 26 album was doing. juno wasn't there and day twenty six wasn't selling so hot.

we went to chill in the car until everyone went to applebees at nine for happy hour, but guess who was next to our car? CHEYENNE AND KRST =] so we walk it out for a little bit. then nam and i pick up michael at his house because he left the bbarn early. DUH.
we go to applebees afterwards. then we meet up with everyone--it was me nam joan betina michael april regina (congrats UW graduate) gazel and krst.

good ass laughs. always.

thanks nam for offering to go visit my friends. you are some kind of amazing. i love you.
i'm so excited i got to see my friends today. i hung out with my boyfriend. saw my tita at albertson. and most importantly, my mom loves me again.

you should hate, because my life right now, is almost perfect. but imperfections causes struggles and struggle equals strength. today i realized how lucky i was to have gone through struggles because they help define strength, my strength. i know it was all me, but without their aid, i'd be in some pot hole. seriously--and needed to be peeled off the floor. for the millionth time.

nevermind. we just got pulled over. how sweet. so i'm dating a criminal. i love bad boys. hahaha.

good night. everyone. i love you all.

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